• o_d [he/him]
    02 months ago

    One cannot prove a negative. If you have evidence for your claims, then by all means feel free to provide it. Fwiw, the intercept has already done a fairly thorough debunking of the sexual violence claims made popular by the New York Times. The reporter had no credentials and the evidence provided turned out to be false.


    • @thatirishguyyy
      2 months ago

      If you think Hamas is the only group that doesn’t commit rape and sexual assault during war then you are either delusional or purposely ignoring reality. I’m not sure which is more sad.

      But here is a press release from the UN from just last month: https://press.un.org/en/2024/sc15621.doc.htm

      A few dozen top news stories, none of them NYT, about Hamas most likely committing sexual assaults and rape… vs your one Intercept article.

      Also, keep in mind, rape survivors may not discuss sexual assault for years due to trauma.

      • o_d [he/him]
        2 months ago

        Typical lib brain. Always projecting the way that you feel you would behave in a situation on others. Gtfo with your disgusting war rape fantasies. There’s a huge difference between an occupying imperialist army and a liberation one. Everything that the Zionists report is a lie. The death numbers reported by the health workers can’t be trusted, yet we know that they’re accurate if not underreported. The IDF is the most moral army and would never commit any war crimes, yet we know that they’re committing war crimes daily, this has been established by the ICJ.

        This isn’t Iraq or Afghanistan. We live in a digitally connected world now and the war crimes can be seen everywhere. If this doesn’t radicalize you against the Zionist regime, then you’re a fascist.

        • @thatirishguyyy
          12 months ago

          You really are the perfect target audience for tiktok. Perfect example of feelings over facts. Everything is zionist this or fascist that. I’m honestly surprised you haven’t accused me of hasbara yet.

          • o_d [he/him]
            02 months ago

            Perfect example of feelings over facts.

            Says the one who hasn’t been able to come up with a single fact. I’ve shared a lot of evidence in this thread. Feel free to read through it, although I known you won’t. You’ll continue to support the fascist occupiers. Just like liberals did with Iraq and Afghanistan. Then 10 years later, you’ll admit it was wrong, but you’ll already have moved on to supporting the next imperialist occupation. Scratch a liberal and a fascist bleeds.

            • @thatirishguyyy
              2 months ago

              You shared a single article the Intercept did. A single article. You haven’t given anything other that ramblings and a single article. You keep spouting feelings and expect the conversation to shift. Just because you feel like this conversation is shifting doesn’t mean it actually is.

              Even the UN did a report and found the accusations were most likely credible.

              You’re both uneducated and delusional. Youbalso habe an inferiority conplex, that much is obvious in your ramblung. It’s also obvious that you are brainwashed. Even the most hardcore Hamas supporters can admit that rape is prevalent in warzone, and this is no different. Even Palestinian supporters admit that rape happens in warzones.

              You are literally trying to say that Hamas is the only group on the planet that wouldnt dare rape a women because… they are Muslims? These men are the only men who would dare rape a hostage, right?

              Pedophilia, rape, amd muder run rampant in that part of the world and you still want to pretend that Hamas are innocent freedom fighters and the Jews are evil because there is no way a Palestinian would rape someone.

              Next thing you’ll tell me is that they enjoy religious and sexual freedom and that homosexuals aren’t tossed from rooftops in the name of allah.