Reddit, AI spam bots explore new ways to show ads in your feed

#For sale: Ads that look like legit Reddit user posts

“We highly recommend only mentioning the brand name of your product since mentioning links in posts makes the post more likely to be reported as spam and hidden. We find that humans don’t usually type out full URLs in natural conversation and plus, most Internet users are happy to do a quick Google Search,” ReplyGuy’s website reads.

  • Armok: God of Blood
    -42 months ago

    Except instead of having an evangelizing atheist neckbeard problem, we have tankie problem. A lot of people that see unfiltered discourse on instances outside LW will think it’s Voat 2.0.

    • db0
      12 months ago

      yea because not accepting US propaganda and trying to uplift marginalized people and help workers not be trodded upon, is about the same as open fascism, bigotry and constant hate speech /s

      • Armok: God of Blood
        12 months ago

        It’s just replaced with propaganda from nations that “tried” communism. I’ve seen plenty of people from tankie instances saying shit about how Ukraine should just roll over to Russia so that they solve their Nazi problem, how the Uyghur people aren’t being ethnically cleansed, and other such wonderful talking points coming from the Russian and Chinese governments.

        • db0
          2 months ago

          Claiming that you see these comments everywhere on lemmy, at the scale you see bigotry on Voat, is laughably preposterous. And that is aside the point that these comments are not even as bad as open fascism and hate speech.

          • Armok: God of Blood
            02 months ago

            Genocide denial and equating those fighting in a defensive war to Nazis is just as bad as hate speech. These people are just following fascist ideals, but replacing every instance of the phrase “right-wing” in fascism’s definition with “left-wing.” Flying a hammer and sickle doesn’t make it any less authoritarian, regardless of what they’re calling it.

            • db0
              2 months ago

              Genocide denial and equating those fighting in a defensive war to Nazis is just as bad as hate speech.

              I assure you it is not. One causes active harm to people in online communities and pushes the world toward normalizing fascist tactics, and the other is some terminally online tankie LARPing with no great effect to anything.

              USA ignores the worst genocide ever commuted on the world, theirs, and nothing really changes. The rest of the world knows about it. Israel is committing one right now with the backing of the USA and it this denial is publicized everywhere, whereas hate speech is clearly banned.