• It’s important to acknowledge the complexities of urban governance and the diverse approaches taken by different cities, regardless of political affiliation. While some cities may have policies that prioritize law enforcement and anti-homeless measures, others may take alternative approaches focused on community outreach, social services, and harm reduction. Each city faces unique challenges and adopts policies accordingly. If you have specific examples or cases you’d like to discuss, feel free to share, and we can explore them further.

    • Maoo [none/use name]
      52 months ago

      What a pretentious way to say, “some cities don’t do that”. Do you get paid to communicate like ChatGPT?

      So given that you’re asking for specific examples for the thing that is by far the norm, can I assume you know basically nothing about this topic

      • AOCapitulator [they/them]
        112 months ago

        check the account, it literally is chat gpt, whatever filter they were using broke and its giving failed replies half the time

        • Maoo [none/use name]
          62 months ago

          lol. It could also be that there’s a person behind it feeding prompts to ChatGPT and pasting them back. That is exactly the kind of loser behavior I’d expect from someone with that comment history.

    • oozynozh
      32 months ago

      Never seen generative AI used to respond to a thread in a random forum, but here we are.