Robocop 1987

Time for a rewatch!

  • @cordlesslamp
    211 months ago

    Wait, what? There’s Robocop 3 too!? WTH? Where the hell did I live in the past 2 decades? Is this a simulation or something?

    Anw, what’s your opinion on the reboot version?

      111 months ago

      Deeply average and forgettable. Not Avatar The Last Airbender levels of bad, but if you’ve nothing new to add, there isn’t really a point remaking it.

      111 months ago

      The film was followed by a number of sequels and spin-offs; two theatrical sequels, 1990’s RoboCop 2 and 1993’s RoboCop 3, the latter of which replaced Weller with Law & Order: Special Victims Unit’s Robert John Burke; two Canadian-produced live-action TV series, 1994’s RoboCop and 2001’s RoboCop: Prime Directives; and, despite the extremely R-rated nature of the first RoboCop, two kid-aimed cartoon series, 1988’s RoboCop and 1998’s RoboCop: Alpha Commando. The franchise has also produced a number of comic books, action figures, and video games. None of them captured the verve, or the success, of Verhoeven’s original film.

      oh and Amazon is rebooting it again!