• Goronmon
    411 months ago

    After months of hearing about how Final Fantasy needed to become Devil May Cry because RPGs are dead…

    This sounds like a strawman to me. Maybe you meant that people were claiming that “JRPGs are dead”? In which case, holding up Baldur’s Gate 3 of evidence to counter that seems strange. But I haven’t heard anyone saying that RPGs in general are a dying genre.

    • Haru
      11 months ago

      The whole argument really is strange and all speculation. There’s plenty of areas where FFXVI and SE arguably fell short, but even by this guys own admission in his edit, the game met projections. If they were expecting to “unlock more,” those projections would have been higher.

      If you look at their recent financial report this seems to be nothing to do with FFXVI as sales in that “HD Gaming” and “Merchandise” area are up. Literally every other area is down, even MMO sales (FFXIV).

      Whether people like the game or not, it seems to have helped prevent SE suffer from a worse dip.