• @WarmSoda@lemm.ee
    3 months ago

    Not everyone is like you and doesn’t understand how weight works.

    If you’re going to complain about something, at least attempt to understand it before bitching. Otherwise you just look lazy.

      • @StupidBrotherInLaw@lemmy.world
        13 months ago

        WarmSoda is just a contrarian. I’ve literally seen them argue two sides of an argument across different posts. I wouldn’t recommend seriously engaging with them, but they’re not very bright so it’s funny to get them to contradict themselves or make comically bad arguments.

        • @EdibleFriend@lemmy.world
          -63 months ago

          Nope. I explained very clearly how they are being misleading but, for shits and giggles, I will summarize my post again.

          Yes its not technically false advertising because they put the weight on the package, but by putting it in a larger package they are counting on the average person to not actually sit there and think about exactly how much deodorant should weigh. To see this at a glance you would have too, off the top of your head, know the average weight of deodorant vs its size. You are acting like this is something the average consumer should already know off the top of their head, and talking down to people who explain not everyone is going to notice this right away and simply assume they are getting a full package.

          This is deliberately misleading. They are going out of their way to trick people.

          • @WarmSoda@lemm.ee
            03 months ago

            You are acting like this is something the average consumer should already know off the top of their head,

            I do expect the average person to have passed 4th grade, yes.