A distinguished group of retired four-star generals and admirals from the U.S. military have argued in a brief filed in theĀ U.S. Supreme CourtĀ on Monday thatĀ Donald Trumpā€™s claims of absolute ā€œpresidentialĀ immunityā€ from criminal prosecution tied to Jan. 6 is an ā€œassaultā€ on the ā€œfoundational commitmentsā€ underpinning democracy and if his argument is allowed to succeed before them later this month, it threatens ā€œto subvert the careful balance between the executive and legislative branches struck in the Constitution.ā€

The 38-page amicus brief features 19 authors, all of them decorated retired admirals, generals or secretaries from branches of the U.S. Army, Navy and Air Force respectively. On April 25, the high court is poised to hear Trumpā€™s question of immunity against prosecution for his alleged criminal conspiracy to subvert the results of the 2020 election. and according to the brief, these are arguments that should be approached with extreme caution.

  • @FiniteBanjo
    1ā€¢6 months ago

    The Supreme Court chose to rule on this after the courts in Colorado already ruled that the president was not an exception to the insurrection clause. They didnā€™t have to, they wanted to.