During the 2022 midterms, Voces de la Frontera Action poured its resources into mobilizing support forĀ DemocratsĀ at the ballot box, with volunteer members directly contacting nearly 30,000 voters in their network and reaching 30,000 more through phone-banking and door-knocking, according to the organization. In 2020, Voces supported Bidenā€™s presidential run.

Now, the group has turned its efforts toward promoting the Uninstructed campaign with mailers, door-knocking and social media promotion.

  • mozz
    2ā€¢3 months ago

    REPRESENTATIVE GREENE: What about Laken Riley?


    AUDIENCE: Booo ā€”


    THE PRESIDENT: (The President holds up a pin reading ā€œSay Her Name, Laken Riley.ā€) Lanken ā€” Lanken (Laken) Riley, an innocent young woman who was killed.


    THE PRESIDENT: By an illegal. Thatā€™s right. But how many of thousands of people are being killed by legals?

    I have no problem with anything he said there, no; and if you do, I would say that youā€™re deliberately making an issue from nothing of substance, in very Republican fashion.

    • @juicyOP
      -3ā€¢3 months ago

      I have family who are undocumented, and yes, I do have an issue with what he said. They are not ā€œillegals.ā€ It betrays the same lack of caring that manifests in policy as Migrant children in open-air desert camps are suffering from hunger and hypothermia, court documents say and ā€˜No good optionsā€™: Biden admin has no plans to change how it treats Haitian migrants despite outrage from advocates. Replace ā€œillegalā€ with any other pejorative ethnic term and maybe youā€™ll understand. Itā€™s seriously not cool, which is why he walked it back later.

      The Guardian wrote:

      Democrats and immigrant rights organizations said Bidenā€™s use of ā€œillegalā€ was dehumanizing. The Illinois congresswoman Delia Ramirez said she was ā€œdisappointedā€ in Bidenā€™s use of what she called ā€œdehumanizing rightwing rhetoricā€ to describe immigrants. ā€œNo human being is illegal,ā€ RamirezĀ said. Another Illinois representative, Chuy GarcĆ­a,Ā added: ā€œAs a proud immigrant, Iā€™m extremely disappointed to hear President Biden use the world ā€œillegalā€.

      The National Immigrant Justice Center called the term ā€œwords [from] anti-immigrant extremistsā€,Ā adding: ā€œManipulating a personal tragedy for political gain in this way is dangerous. Conflating immigration status with criminality is racist and dehumanizing.ā€

      But u/mozz says itā€™s nothing, so I guess we just need to eat shit and shut up. At least Biden had the decency to admit he was wrong.

      • mozz
        -1ā€¢3 months ago

        Iā€™ve had friends who were undocumented. One was actually in and out of custody before the Obama-era immigration reforms came along; long story short he was able to stay in the country. I still remember talking with people about how to get up bail money to get him out, and him talking about a bunch of things about being in jail in a not-real-friendly part of the country.

        I donā€™t believe you. I think youā€™re lying to justify your grandstanding. I already sent you a pretty long list of what Biden has done factually on immigration. Seizing on him quoting back to someone hateful, a hateful word that they used, in order to make a point back to them, and spending any amount of energy saying that means anything, is a bunch of bullshit. Thatā€™s actually one reason I donā€™t believe you ā€“ Iā€™ve seen people in this community who take the viewpoint that all US politicians are basically the enemy with no particular reason to pick good ones or bad ones or get excited about this Fox News bullshit about any of them, and Iā€™ve seen people who actually study in detail whatā€™s going on factually, but doing this Judge Judy level determinations of who it is thatā€™s good and bad on immigration policy and then getting all excited about it, I havenā€™t seen too much of except from outsiders to the community.

        • @Zaktor@sopuli.xyz
          2ā€¢3 months ago

          Itā€™s not even like this is a random position only seen on Lemmy from perpetual detractors. The person youā€™re responding to literally gave you quotes from Latino public figures and advocacy organizations. But yeah, your black undocumented friend totally makes you a convincing authority on which immigrant rights positions are coming from the community.

          • mozz
            -1ā€¢3 months ago

            I make no claim to authority; Iā€™m explaining what I think and why, including why I think juicy is lying. Maybe my experience with probably-shills has made me jaded but thatā€™s what I think.

            Youā€™re obviously within your rights to think that Ramirez, Chuy GarcĆ­a, or the Immigrant Justice Center are right and I am wrong about why Biden said ā€œillegalā€. I think the transcript speaks for itself and I think theyā€™re being foolish and self-defeating if theyā€™re falling into the trap of attacking him over it.

            • @Zaktor@sopuli.xyz
              2ā€¢3 months ago

              Itā€™s not a matter of whether theyā€™re right, itā€™s a direct contradiction to your insinuation that this is a fake sentiment coming from ā€œoutside the communityā€. And those werenā€™t even the Latino only congressmembers who objected to it.

              Maybe cool off on the ā€œheā€™s lyingā€ when youā€™re trying to claim that a pretty well recognized anger over a Democratic president adopting conservative framing and policy for the border is astroturfing using ā€œI had a friendā€ as your justification.

              • mozz
                3 months ago

                Yeah, thatā€™s honestly a fair point. I assumed that 100% of serious immigration advocates would recognize it for the bullshit that it is, so that feeding into this transparent grandstanding mythology about what Biden said and meant and neglecting to observe his actual record on the issues would be a tell of someone who wasnā€™t a real advocate for immigrants, but apparently thatā€™s not true. Live and learn, I guess.

        • @juicyOP
          0ā€¢3 months ago

          deleted by creator

          • mozz
            3 months ago

            I have family who are undocumented

            Iā€™ve had friends who were undocumented.

            Corporate needs you to find the differences between this picture and this picture.

            Actually, let me rephrase:

            I have family who are undocumented

            Because of friendships Iā€™ve had with people who would be particularly and intensely vulnerable under a Trump presidency, including some who were directly impacted in life-changing ways by Obama ā€œdeporter in chiefā€'s specific reforms, this particular type of bad-faith effort to claim Biden is bad on immigration is particularly infuriating to me. Coupled with your claim to have authority to speak on it because you allegedly have a direct association with a vulnerable person, it led me to feel itā€™s relevant to tell you that I actually have one of the associations youā€™re alleging (unconvincingly, to me). So if weā€™re going to claim that that gives extra authority to speak on it, then yes, I have that authority too.

            There we go! Now theyā€™re different pictures.

            (Side note, I will say ā€“ Zaktorā€™s point about being connected to an immigrant community being in no way a guarantee that your opinions on this kind of thing will be good ones, is actually a pretty fair argument. So maybe itā€™s unfair for me to say that Iā€™m skeptical that you have undocumented family solely because of the opinion youā€™re expressing here.)

            • @juicyOP
              -1ā€¢3 months ago

              I deleted my comment after I saw your exchange with Zaktor. I didnā€™t mean to beat a dead horse. Props to you for hearing him out.

              Biden is legitimately bad on immigration. See the articles I cited above. Heā€™s just better than Trump. Heā€™s a lot better than Trump, to the point that it is not easy to withdraw my support because of his support of genocide. I am truly fearful of the consequences for my family of another Trump term. But whatever happens to us, it will be a mere inconvenience next to what families in Gaza are suffering.

              • mozz
                3 months ago

                So hereā€™s where it breaks down for me: I read your citations. Itā€™s fuckin terrible. But it sounds like youā€™re traveling from ā€œsome things with our immgration system are very very badā€ to saying Biden is making it bad on purpose.

                Things are way way better than they were before, and Biden is pushing to make things better than they currently are. (E.g. ā€“ the immigration bill, for as many pretty nasty concessions as it made to the Republicans, contained things like massively increasing the number of asylum judges to clear the huge backlog of people who are stacking up because we canā€™t process them, that is at the root of a lot of this terrible human suffering in the specific ways youā€™re listing out from The Guardian etc.)

                What are you proposing he do? What specific actions under his control would resolve something like the Haitians being sent back, or the people waiting to be heard on asylum with nowhere to go in the meantime?

                Oh, also whatā€™s your assessment of what Trump will do with a situation like Gaza? Do you think he would provide humanitarian aid, do you think he would pressure Netanyahu to stop, do you think he would continue weapons shipments?