We are all about action here so let’s get stuff done. Recently, the dma has gone into effect in europe and has provided long awaited tailwind for the people vs. corporations.

I have recently filed a complaint against apple with the european data security office (freely translated) because they are keeping our passwords hostage if you dont buy a mac computer (hahahaha).

So lets mass support every petition that moves the needle further in the direction of people and small businesses instead of “reaganomics” and other crimes against humanity.

I just made this petition and would love for you folks to sign it. Have a good one. https://chng.it/YZbYFYRBhJ

  • @HootinNHollerin@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    In San Diego we have a nightmare monopoly for our electricity and gas. Highest rates in the entire US (yes more than Hawaii). SDGE, subsidiary of Sempra Energy, are completely corrupt criminals. Been getting people to sign petition for the city to seize it as a public utility like our water, trash, etc.

    • hauiOPM
      23 months ago

      Thats awesome! You‘re the type of person we need more of! If any folks from san diego read this please support the petition!