We are all about action here so let’s get stuff done. Recently, the dma has gone into effect in europe and has provided long awaited tailwind for the people vs. corporations.

I have recently filed a complaint against apple with the european data security office (freely translated) because they are keeping our passwords hostage if you dont buy a mac computer (hahahaha).

So lets mass support every petition that moves the needle further in the direction of people and small businesses instead of “reaganomics” and other crimes against humanity.

I just made this petition and would love for you folks to sign it. Have a good one. https://chng.it/YZbYFYRBhJ

  • hauiOPM
    43 months ago

    Thank you for sharing your opinion. It is valid and appreciated.

    Personally, I’m a friend of linear escalation. Works well in parenting imo and also in interaction between humans. There are many levels we can escalate to but I think we need to make it clear to everyone we mean business so we dont start by burning down buildings. The most important issue is perseverance. You can go ahead and propose a more direct action as long as it is not hurting anyone. Otherwise we will likely scare off the more moderate who dont want violence (which is my wish as well, if it can be avoided).

    • @Rivalarrival
      43 months ago

      I meant more like picketing, union drives, strikes, employee walkouts, supply chain disruption against bad actors. Perhaps as far as encouraging workers to engage in actions that are ethically comparable to the exploitative activities taken by businesses.

      For example, using the same intimidation tactics against “Pinkertons” that union busters use against workers: name, shame, deprive them of their livelihoods if they won’t play ball.

      On the flip side, identification, promotion and patronage of sole-proprietorships, partnerships, co-ops, and other businesses that operate ethically.

      • hauiOPM
        13 months ago

        Yes, absolutely. Great ideas. We will need a lot of that until this particular ghost gets busted. We will need a lot more people if we actually want to stage strikes and such so feel free to promote this community. Have a good one.