Not hating on open source, just let people use what fits their expectations and needs and stop deterring them with gatekeeping :P

UX = user experience

    511 months ago

    I was excited to try Sync after all the hype (read: advertising) on Lemmy, saw that it had ads, and noped the fuck out.

    You do you, but I’m not gonna use that kind of garbage. Ads don’t “keep apps accessible”. Instead, they poison your mind specifically and suck balls in general. The entire advertisement model is flawed, and certain kinds of people only put up with it because they don’t know better.

    • @1984
      411 months ago

      Yup. I think apps should cost money. No ads. It’s the freemium model that creates all the bad things about our experience.

      211 months ago

      Exactly. I have no problem with people trying to make money from software, but FOSS tools should be supported over proprietary ones wherever possible, and it’s nobodies fault that FOSS is often the better technical choice anyway. As someone with ADHD: fuck all ads, I demand a peaceful mind.