Slide with text: “Rust teams at Google are as productive as ones using Go, and more than twice as productive as teams using C++.”

In small print it says the data is collected over 2022 and 2023.

    46 months ago

    Dependency management has to deal with the real world where what we didn’t know in 1970 hurts us.

    I’m having trouble understanding the point you’re trying to make here. You seem to be angry at the Rust dependency manager for not being perfect, but also admit that it’s better than C++. Is there some dependency manager you like more than what Rust provides? Do you have any suggestions for how Rust could improve its dependency management?

    • bluGill
      26 months ago

      I said this is a hard problem and might not even be solvable.

      rust is not better than C++ if you are in any of those cases where rust doesn’t work. Not really worse, but not better either. If it works for you great, but it is worse for me as rust fight our homegrown system (which has a lot of warts )

        36 months ago

        So you’re point is that your custom home grown workaround to a failure of C++ doesn’t play well with Rusts official solution to the same problem? And therefore Rusts solution isn’t better than C++ lack of a solution?

        While that is unfortunate for you and you certainly seem to have tech-debted yourself into a particularly nasty corner, I’m not sure that logic follows.

        • bluGill
          06 months ago

          Rust’s package manager doesn’t manage c++, python, or anything else. Since the real world should not be one language to rule them all any package system must handle all possible languages. Otherwist they are lacking.