• @tbs9000@lemmy.world
    24 months ago

    They’re not at all opposing forces. Some billionaires are in competition with each other and political parties are tools at certain billionaires disposal.

    The act of taxing income is but one political mechanism used to influence the power of some billionaires over another.

    • @FiniteBanjo
      24 months ago

      So which of these shadow government billionaires is pro-government in your eyes?

      • @tbs9000@lemmy.world
        13 months ago

        I’m not sure I understand your question. They are both pro-government. If any one human could be the personification of government, it would be the President of the United States.

        • @FiniteBanjo
          13 months ago

          So every billionaire is pro-government, and against taxation, but also pro-taxation to hurt the other billionaires (each other) but also the political party with a platform of “Tax the Rich” is in no way actually opposed to the political party who literally cuts taxes for the rich?

          You should see a doctor.

          • @tbs9000@lemmy.world
            13 months ago

            Again, taxation is but one of many levers pulled in the working of government which have substantial implications on billionaires. Whether and where to impose tariffs or regulation, for example, are decisions which wealthy business owners are very concerned.

            I’ll see a doctor as soon as you approach others with more respect. Let’s not Reddit Lemmy with unmerited hostility.