• TheDankHold
    213 months ago

    You should actually watch the video because you might be surprised that he directly talks about Gaza and states his position (no more money for Israel if they can’t control their violent impulses). You know, instead of spouting off like a blind partisan.

    • @juicy
      63 months ago

      Yeah, he says that and then says you need to vote for Genocide Joe. Just a reminder that Bernie is a Zionist and waited until Dec. 13 to even call for a ceasefire. He’s hot garbage, just like AOC who refuses to call the conflict a genocide.

      • TheDankHold
        43 months ago

        Reductive purity testing won’t end the genocide you know. Do you know the position of the Republican candidate on Gaza? (hint: it’s an example of actually advocating for genocide)

        Refusing to take steps to reduce harm enables the worst outcome and there are also other issues besides Gaza that exist beyond this wedge issue.

        • @juicy
          3 months ago

          I’m not quibbling. Bernie is supporting a man committing genocide. Oh, Trump is advocating for genocide? Why should I give a hoot whether Biden says he likes genocide while he gives Israel the bombs they are using in the genocide. Words mean nothing if your actions contradict them. Biden’s duplicity is no virtue. At least Trump has the spine to own his crimes. Biden kills babies while crying crocodile tears, and Bernie is his apologist. Shame on them all.

          You know what won’t end the genocide? Wringing our hands while we vote for the politicians carrying it out.

          • TheDankHold
            03 months ago

            Don’t infantilize Netanyahu and the IDF. They’re doing the genocide. Bernie is opposing a person that wants total immunity from the law and is advocating for what he believes even still.

            There are more things to consider than Israel Hamas. Don’t be the left wing equivalent to pro lifers. Hyped up on a wedge issue to the extent you let yourself get taken advantage of by the rhetoric of the worst actors.

            • @juicy
              13 months ago

              How can you be so cold blooded as to call the starvation of 2.3 million people a “wedge issue”?

              There was recently a story about a woman in Ohio who left her baby in a pack 'n play while she went on vacation for two weeks. She returned to find the baby dead from starvation and dehydration. I imagine my own baby wailing with hunger for days on end.

              This is what Israel is deliberately subjecting tens of thousands of children to while Biden continues to give them weapons and diplomatic cover. This isn’t a wedge issue. This isn’t a talking point. This isn’t a bargaining chip. As long as we are on the wrong side of this issue, we are “the axis of evil” in the world. We are irredeemable.