The economy is fine! We just have… money dysmorphia. /s

The gaslighting is at warp speed now.

      114 months ago

      Well I’m not young but I haven’t been able to afford to go to the dentist in twenty years so I’d say that’s quantifiably shitty.

        4 months ago

        I’d say you’re using your specific experience to project to everyone else’s.

        I’m middle aged and I’ve always been able to afford dental insurance and go twice a year as recommended.

        Your experience is, indeed, shitty but it’s not an argument dispelling what the article’s experts are saying. It’s just a strawman argument.

            14 months ago

            Just because one person has an issue and one doesn’t means nothing to the actual story. But I don’t know why I expect anyone to actually read the articles. Lot to ask, I know.