Haiti’s gangs began an offensive to topple the government on 29 February, storming and ransacking police stations, prisons and hospitals and laying siege to strategic locations, including the port and airport.

The prime minister, Ariel Henry, who was out of the country when the rebellion began, has found himself stranded in Puerto Rico, with one US official warning last week that his unpopular government could fall “at any time”.

The gang insurrection intensified late on Friday as dozens of criminals converged on Champ de Mars, a palm-dotted downtown area of Port-au-Prince that is home to government ministries, embassies, consulates, banks and hotels, as well as Haiti’s supreme court and official presidential residence.

Gang members reportedly torched the interior ministry, which was built after the 2010 earthquake that destroyed much of the capital, and opened fire on the presidential palace before being pushed back by troops.

“If the Champ de Mars falls … it’s the end,” one police officer warned in an interview with the AyiboPost news website.

Things are at a massive tipping point. Haiti is about to lose what little government they have left. All the gangs care about is power. It will be total anarchy.

  • @FinishingDutch@lemmy.world
    67 months ago

    The average embassy in a safe country probably doesn’t have much in terms of weapons, if any. But as the article points out, they’ve actively sent additional US forces to bolster embassy security.

    It’s safe to assume they’re armed with a bit more than harsh language.

    • Benghazi was not in a safe country. They were likely armed roughly the same. But the point is the US didn’t do anything after the fact either. So these gangs have no reason to steer clear.

      • BuelldozerA
        37 months ago

        Benghazi was denied reinforcement and air support. Haiti has already been reinforced. The two are not the same.