I rock with https://www.listentomichigan.com/ and similar organizations taking a safe yet firm stand to voice the Palestinian plight.

FAQ: Aren’t you afraid this will help Trump?

This is a primary where Democrats are trying to get their voice heard by the man who claims to lead our party. We are well-aware that Trump is not our friend. There is a long time between now and November for Biden to change his policies and earn support from Democratic voters.

  • @WhatAmLemmy@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    So you agree, but for some reason oppose others exercising their political freedoms and vocalizing their grievances — immediately deriding all opposition as “single issue voting”, even though OP didn’t imply they intend to vote for fascism at all, let alone based on this single issue?

    Sounds pretty fuckin anti democratic to me hey…

    • @spujb@lemmy.cafeOP
      06 months ago



      • neoliberals status quo-ers
      • genocide deniers
      • people who don’t know how the primaries work and are too stuck up at this point to learn

      they generally don’t identify themselves so you gotta guess

    • @zeppo@lemmy.world
      6 months ago

      I don’t believe the claim that “we’re just bashing Biden on this to influence Israel policy and we’ll stop after the primary”.

      And “don’t intend to vote for fascism at all”… yep, so discourage people from voting for Biden entirely by basically saying “both sides are the same!!”. Claiming the Democrats are fascists is reducing all the differences Ds & Rs have to a single issue. So no wonder people would say what they say in the last frame since that type of argument could only result in helping get Trump elected. So best OP can do is post a stupid cartoon mocking critics.

        • @zeppo@lemmy.world
          16 months ago

          I see. Sorry for the misunderstanding - there are people who say that they would not vote for either party because they’re both fascists. People who say they’d never vote for either because they’re both Liberals (as in capitalists) make more sense.

          I don’t really question whether OP would personally vote for Trump. It’s that discouraging 100 people from voting for Biden is worse.

          • @spujb@lemmy.cafeOP
            16 months ago

            glad to see this comment, thanks for hearing out the other guy. :)

            and always keep in mind that i don’t and haven’t ever discouraged voting for biden. i encourage voting for biden, AND i stand with those who use a safe means of protest to force him to hear his voters.

            think of it as the trolley problem. voting biden is pulling the lever and switching it to the biden track. the uncommitted vote movement is untying as many people from the biden track as possible in the first place.

            • @zeppo@lemmy.world
              26 months ago

              It’s definitely way past time for the US to tell homicidal Zionists to fucking stuff it and quit their shit. I just don’t know how we can accomplish that given how deeply it’s embedded in US politics. It’s not the only issue up with this election, though, and there’s so much more - I’d like to see Ukraine not get completely bulldozed and for Putin to fuck off, for a couple examples. I’d also like to see black, central american and poor people in the US not get completely fucked by Republicans. So here’s hoping we can find a way to accomplish that.

      • Sybil
        -16 months ago

        Claiming the Democrats are fascists is reducing all the differences Ds & Rs have to a single issue

        fascism is a pretty important issue.