• @doctorcrimson
    24 months ago

    Idk who tf that is but the song you posted directly contradicts how Bernie voted on foreign aid policy in the last couple of weeks, so get fucked I guess

    • Evilphd666 [he/him, comrade/them]
      464 months ago

      Oh that’s cute he did a safety vote but it took the ICJ ruling for him to move.

      So that means he understands the ICJ ruling and it’s implication. Yet he continues to deny there is an ongoing genocide. He speaks of how terrible things are, but he won’t say permanent ceasefire and he won’t say genocide. He says a “pause in the fighting” and there are “really horrible things” going on. He won’t call it a genocide.

      He says, correctly so, we are all complicit with funding and arming what is going on. Speeches he should have made months ago, but could only make with the cover of the ICJ ruling. Why did it take that?

      He is still unable to call out Bibi and the Likud for being textbook genocidal ethnofascists. He soft gloves them as “far right”. He uses harsher language against Trump.

      He continues to parrot “Israel has a right to defend” and “Hamas bad” tirade where “defense” means wholesale leveling of residential areas with a side of taking pop shots at kids getting water and ladies in churches. Everything the song laments about liberals Bernie parrots.

      Put yourself in Bernie’s place in that interview. Would you answer the same? Would you willfully refuse to call it a genocide?

      • @doctorcrimson
        4 months ago

        What the fuck are you on? Bernie Sanders was making statements about the atrocity and asking for a complete cut off of US Finances and Weapons to Israel since the beginning of the conflict, and the ICJ hearing and ruling took place between January 24th and now.

        This is a link to him speaking to congress months ago.

        I haven’t seen the interview you’re referring to, if you’re talking about that Twitter link then I don’t use Twitter meaning I cannot actually see what the post is, so you’re shit out of luck there, pal. I don’t know what the date of it was or who was interviewing him, so finding on my own is gonna be pretty difficult. Please, enlighten me.

        AFAIK he’s called it many horrible things and described the awful events in great gory detail, and I’ve never heard him refuse to call it a genocide.

        • Evilphd666 [he/him, comrade/them]
          264 months ago

          You can still watch the interview aka the context of the whole post, without an account. That’s how I watched it. Here’s a youtube link which was dropped today, 20 FEB 2024, and the bot below will provide plenty of privacy centric other links for which you don’t need to visit the google site.

          The central complaint about Bernie is he will not call for a permanent cease-fire. He will not call out the genocide. He won’t go further than calling Israel’s government “far right”. He has protestors arrested.

          I’m going to sound redundant but in the speech you linked to is exactly what I was talking about in the previous. Coaching languge. Steps towards. Only Israel has a right to defend. Sure sure atrocities humanitarian disaster on a scale worse than WW2. But yet no genocide. No cease fire. Just pauses. Very maybe-later-honey .

          We expected better from him.

          Heres a summary timeline of how Bernie has been completely out of touch with “The left” on this issue.


          Nov. 29 2023 Bernie Sanders: The left face of genocide

          Feb 16 2024 'The Word Genocide Makes Me Queasy’ – Sanders Slammed in Ireland for Gaza Stance

          Feb 19 2024 Irish protesters denounce Bernie Sanders as a Zionist genocide denier over Gaza

          • @doctorcrimson
            14 months ago

            So out of that 4 minute clip of him being asked about Israel you’re all mad about him not advocating for a full invasion of allied nation of Israel? That’s what all of this is about? I admit, I’d want marines on their shores if taking their funding away wasn’t enough for an immediate resolution, but that’s hardly worth talking about when there is fuck all he can do to make that happen.

            And then your hit piece articles, those are good, you should read those sometime. The earliest one talks about how he had already taken to the senate floor calling for ceasefire and humanitarian aid.

            The Vermont senator has taken to the Senate floor to advocate for humanitarian aid for people in Gaza and urge Israel to allow aid to enter the region, along with calling for a halt from “the bombs and missiles from both sides.”

            But I guess that makes him complicit in Genocide according to you.