Baldur’s Gate 3 is the latest big game to follow an inclusive (but divisive) trend in video game courtship

  • @Paradachshund
    85 months ago

    This is a really fantastic article with a lot of great quotes and examples. It seems like a really nuanced topic, and I found myself agreeing with many things said on all sides of the discussion.

    As someone who likes immersion and grounded fantasy, I do find myself more taken with the dragon age inquisition approach, but I also think it’s great to have some games out there that do take the playersexual approach. As long as people can understand it’s ultimately wish fulfilment, then I think having it out there can be very fun and even empowering for people.

    • Exocrinous
      15 months ago

      Look, there’s a simple solution to this problem:

      Make it so party member NPCs can only be bi or gay or ace.

      Now you’re not erasing any queer identities, and there are no queer players who feel excluded by straightness. Everyone wins.