Wide-eyed former Fox host tagged along as Russian president steered the conversation through Russian history and justifications for war

  • @tal
    4 months ago

    I’ll also add that the interview doesn’t seem to have gotten a lot of favorable traction in the major conservative American outlets. The only reference to “Putin” on the front page of Fox News mentioned the interview, but chose to highlight that he was wrongfully holding an American journalist from the (also conservative) Wall Street Journal.


    Russian President Vladimir Putin floated a potential prisoner swap when asked about releasing Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich, who has been wrongfully detained in Russia for nearly a year.

    Gershkovich was arrested last March as Russian authorities leveled dubious espionage charges against him. Both the State Department and The Wall Street Journal categorically denied those allegations.

    Breitbart, which is one of the most-friendly media outlets specifically to Trump – and loves its conspiracy theory – was not commenting very favorably on Putin saying that the US blew up Nordic Stream 2:


    The United States “for sure” blew up the Nord Stream pipeline in the Baltic sea, Russian President Vladimir Putin claimed during his interview with broadcaster Tucker Carlson this week. The allegation, which he made without corroborating evidence, was said to be self-evidently true because the U.S. had both the motivation and the means to damage the energy infrastructure.

    When probed for further details, such as “evidence” for the claim by Carlson, and even in response to the suggestion proving who blew up Nord Stream might constitute a “propaganda victory” for Moscow, Putin refused to be drawn. He replied: “, I won’t get into details, but people always say in such cases, look for someone who is interested. But in this case, we should not only look for someone who is interested, but also for someone who has capabilities, because there may be many people interested, but not all of them are capable of sinking to the bottom of the Baltic Sea and carrying out this explosion.”

    Asked why he wouldn’t give up what he knew on what Tucker called “the biggest act of industrial terrorism ever”, Putin shrugged off the question by stating it was pointless trying to go toe-to-toe with the U.S. on the “war of propaganda” because Washington “controls all the world’s media”, so Moscow couldn’t hope to compete. “It’s clear to the whole world what happened” to Nord Stream, said Putin, so elaborating any further would not be cost-effective.

    And which decided to highlight Trump’s pro-NATO and anti-Russia credentials:

    That the German government was making the nation’s state of health so dependent on Russian good faith was a key criticism of the lax attitude of European patterns to the NATO alliance of Donald Trump, who warned Germany had become a “captive to Russia”.