Justin Mohn, a 32-year-old Pennsylvania man, is in police custody after allegedly murdering and decapitating his father, claiming the latter was a ā€œfederal employeeā€ and a ā€œtraitor.ā€ Before his arrest, Mohn posted a 14-minute video to YouTube in which he displayed his fatherā€™s severed head, proclaiming: "This is the head of Mike Mohn, a federal

  • @TankovayaDiviziya@lemmy.world
    9ā€¢8 months ago

    Youā€™re generally correct as studies corroborated the feeling of disgust to be stronger on those on the right. But I wouldnā€™t necessarily put that to every single conservatives. I met many conservatives who are still sane. The term RINO is a thing after all, and the only conservative party I agree with is the German CdU.

    • @Drivebyhaiku@lemmy.world
      10ā€¢8 months ago

      Yeahā€¦ I dunno if the ā€œsaneā€ Conservatives are actual Conservatives. Like, hear me out, I know people who totally understand me as a trans person are perfectly supportive and totally grock leftist talking points and even support fairly socialist economic theory ā€¦ But they still carry their identities as ā€œConservativesā€ because itā€™s a brilliant bit of branding. For all purposes of actual ideology they are actually progressive, but that word ā€œconservativeā€ strokes the ego in a very particular way.

      People think ā€œconservativeā€ as basically just meaning ā€œNot prone to extremesā€ or ā€œcareful and measuredā€ or maybe even ā€œliking change to be slow and incrementalā€ or ā€œfiscally moderateā€ ā€¦ None of this actually describes modern Conservative party ideology but they definitely borrow off the synonyms for votes. Because everyone is primed to think of their veiw as carefully reasoned and non-volitile these ā€œconservative at heartā€ types really donā€™t realize that they are being tricked they just like the pretty label and are willing to let themselves be hoodwinked.

      • @Narauko@lemmy.world
        3ā€¢8 months ago

        Thatā€™s a damn good point. Also throw in 2A rights and I think you have the right mix. Someone who is genuinely ā€œfiscally conservativeā€ as in desiring a close the balanced budget, believes that 2A is just as important and deserving of defending as 1A and 4A (the main ones everyone knows), and who believes in plenty of legal immigration but thinks national borders are required to have a nation is basically in no manā€™s land.

        The Republican party pays lip service to those and other ā€œConservativeā€ ideals, but by actions has abandoned them and are the furthest down the oligarch rabbit hole. The Democrats by action actually tend to do more of these traditionally Conservative things in modern times, but pay lip service to the opposite (gun control, open borders, etc) because many of the the actual far leftists remained more attached to the party instead of splintering off like the Sov Cits and various flavors of libertarians did from the conservative side.

        Since we have a first past the post voting system and thus only 2 viable parties, those ā€œconservative at heartā€ folks know they are getting grifted by the Republicans, but feel slightly more aligned with Republicans than with Democrats because they feel there is no actual place for them.

        The ā€œLiberal at heartā€ have a similar problem because the Old Guard corporatist Democrats are also in the Oligarch rabbit hole, just not as deep in many cases. Thatā€™s why we get lip service about legalizing marijuana, decriminalization, debt relief, etc, but see very little actual or sustainable progress.

        Very interested to see what happens whenever the government drops below an average age of 65. Maybe under millennial and Zoomer majorities we can get graduated voting methods and multiple viable parties.