What’s your opinion? Does google really “not work” anymore? Are there any better search engines? Why did the quality of search results go down? I honestly stumbled onto this question through this music video, what is ironic in it’s own way i feel…

    • 🦊 OneRedFox 🦊
      1211 months ago

      But it’s paid

      Unfortunately it’s looking like that’s going to be the future of things that aren’t shit on the internet, whether it’s paying for search, or donating every so often to your Fediverse admin to help keep the lights on.

    • @mrmanagerA
      11 months ago

      Yup try it and set as default in the browser. You will start to see a lot of sites that never showed up in google also. They have these “listacles” in search results where they group relevant sites into a small list, which makes it super simple to go to them for results.

      If you want a sample search, try “best tv shows 2023” or something like that.