I’ll start: I tried to move a bookshelf while drunk about 6 years ago and tore a tendon in my shoulder pretty damn good. It still bothers me sometimes if I move it wrong or sleep on it wrong.

  • @sara
    5 months ago

    I fell off a walking path into a bunch of massive rocks Wile E Coyote style five minutes into sight seeing with my brother who I hadn’t seen in 10 years. I managed to hobble away with only a grade three sprain and some horrible bruising. It’s healed now but perpetually stiff. My new normal is walking down stairs like a 95 year old.

    • @charlytune@mander.xyz
      45 months ago

      I’m imagining your brother watching you bounce down the rocks shaking his head and saying “you haven’t changed a bit”. Mainly because that’s exactly what my brother would do.