• Flying Squid
      35 months ago

      Please name the third party candidate that has a reasonable chance of beating both Trump and Biden.

      • @eksb@programming.dev
        05 months ago

        This is the primary. This is when we should be able to vote for candidates who more closely align with our views. (Like being anti-genocide.)

        • Flying Squid
          45 months ago

          Primaries are when you vote for a candidate from a specific party. The person above me said to vote third party. You can’t do that in a primary. It was obvious they were talking about the general election.

      • @Linkerbaan@lemmy.world
        -55 months ago

        Both of the people you named commit genocide. Voting for them means you endorse genocide. I fail to see how percentages are relevant here.

        • Flying Squid
          25 months ago

          The vote is to elect a president. If you are not going to vote for someone who has a chance of winning, what is the point of voting at all?

          I will happily vote for a third party candidate that has a chance of winning. I have asked for a name many times and have yet to be given one.

          • @eksb@programming.dev
            15 months ago

            I live in a state that is not even close to be competitive. Why should I not vote for the Green Party candidate?

              • @eksb@programming.dev
                25 months ago

                In my state, the two major parties keep changing the rules to make it harder for other parties to get ballot access. If a party gets a certain number of votes in the general, they can keep their ballot access without needing to jump through a bunch of expensive hoops designed to keep them out. I vote to have more choice in future elections. Because that is all I can vote for.

                • Flying Squid
                  05 months ago

                  Okay, that is, at least, a reasonable explanation of why to vote third party without having to name a candidate. You’re literally the first person who has done this even though I have asked people who tell me to vote third party for a name for months now.

                  • @eksb@programming.dev
                    35 months ago

                    Here is another reason: because I would rather try for long-term improvements than to accept gradual worsening.

                    Voting for conservative Democrats will not improve anything. They do not want increased accountability for the rich. They do not want universal healthcare. They do not want to get away from fossil fuels (in the time frame required). They do not want to fix our car-centric infrastructure. They do not want to stop genocide. They do not want affordable housing. They do not want affordable education. They actively fight against those who do.

                    Voting for conservative Democrats is not about making things better, it is about stopping things from getting worse. The Democratic Party is not a big tent, it is a hostage situation: the liberals are told “stay with us and vote for us, or the fascists will kill you.”

                    Long term, will voting 3rd party force the Democrats left? If the Democrats shift further right instead, will there be enough time for a liberal party to emerge and challenge before the county fails? I do not know.

                    I am not mad at anybody for voting for the lesser of two evils. It is a reasonable, defensible choice. I understand that many of the people making that choice are victims of our system, not the perpetrators. If their strategy works, and we keep getting the lesser evil, I cannot fault them for it.

                    But I would rather try for a long-term improvement than to accept gradual worsening.

          • @Linkerbaan@lemmy.world
            -35 months ago

            The Greens have a 99% chance of winning if everyone stops acting like Biden is holding a gun against their heads to prevent them from voting differently.

            • Flying Squid
              5 months ago

              I see, so if something that is almost certainly not going to happen happens, a Green candidate who you have not named has a 99% chance of beating Trump.

              That’s not what I asked. I didn’t ask for special, very unlikely circumstances.

              Name the third party candidate who has a good chance of winning as things stand now. Just give me a name.

                • Flying Squid
                  15 months ago

                  Your wild guess percentages based on zero evidence are not a name. You still have not given me a name. Who am I supposed to vote for if you won’t even give me a name?

            • @PRUSSIA_x86@lemmy.world
              25 months ago

              “candidate X would easily win if everybody voted for them”

              No shit, now who are they and how do you propose convincing people to vote for them?

    • @Natanael@slrpnk.net
      25 months ago

      Low turnout and high degree of votes for independents tend to favor Republicans in USA, and you have heard of their project 2025 right? A program literally designed to be a clone of nazism

        • @Natanael@slrpnk.net
          15 months ago

          They are literally telling you what they want to do. They want a republican president above the law and make a permanent legislative and judicial majority which can’t be unseated through elections.

          • @Linkerbaan@lemmy.world
            -25 months ago

            If they wanted that they could have done it in 2020 when they controlled everything and Trump was president? We heard this story back then and aside from the looney parade on Jan 6, the Republicans did not try to keep him in power like some god ruler.

            • @Natanael@slrpnk.net
              5 months ago

              They tried but couldn’t due to infighting, and because they didn’t have a plan because they didn’t expect to win. Now they have plans. See project 2025 to start with

              They absolutely tried to keep him in power, all the lawsuits and other shenanigans was all about trying to block transfer of power when he lost. They literally tried to rig the vote by damaging the postal service, because they knew democrats would rely more on voting by mail with the pandemic going on. They’re working on gerrymandering state maps to artificially give Republicans more winning districts, giving them a chance to win states where they lost the popular vote.