Some real estate dickhead just rang my mobile (which is not advertised anywhere) saying they were “just in the area” and wanted to do an appraisal on a house we own in <suburb name>.

It’s an agency we don’t use for any purpose, have never used for any purpose, and have never approached for any reason.

Is there some sort of legal issue with some smarmy sales knob looking up property owner details and cold calling them?

Makes me feel all gross that their grubby mitts are pawing through my deets somewhere in the hope of being able to stick a tongue up my bum and get a taste of some back door cash.

    48 months ago

    I can think of a few exceptions. But I think owning multiple properties in the same location for more than a specified amount of time should be illegal or heavily taxed.

    For example, you buy a home and are still trying to sell an old one. You might own two houses for some time. You might inherit a house and need to sell it.

    You might have family in multiple parts of the country or work in multiple parts of the country/world and need a place to live.

    A friend’s mom had severe asthma and was told to leave her home state during the winter and live in Florida.

    But I have a friend who owns like 3 hours in the same neighborhood just as rental properties. That should be illegal/heavily taxed.

    • Nakoichi [they/them]
      198 months ago

      But I have a friend who owns like 3 hours in the same neighborhood just as rental properties. That should be illegal/heavily taxed.


      • robinn_IV [he/him]
        128 months ago

        Laughing at the person calling Mao a dictator, guess their comment was blocked in here. Popular support and being elected mean nothing because he wasn’t white. “Authoritarian” is even better. And then they yap some nonsense about living in someone’s head when they were the ones crying because you posted a Mao emote.

      • Quokka
        8 months ago

        Why’s there a murderous authoritarian dictator here? That’s some real tankie chud shit.

        • HornyOnMain🏳️‍⚧️
          8 months ago

          tankie chud shit

          The user you’re responding to is a long time anarchist who’s been active in various indigenous anarchist orgs for at least the last several years and has hosted multiple fund raiders for them through the site. He’s not exactly a tankie unless you consider him being rude and praising the number one landlord basher a single time to instantly outweigh all the anarchist praxis he’s been doing for years.

          • Quokka
            8 months ago

            Oh please don’t give me that shit.

            No anarchist is going to praise Mao or China. They’re an ML kiddie.

            We know exactly what you lot do to us given a chance, you’ll turn your guns on us just like you did in Spain.

              8 months ago

              So I was informed you were talking shit about me and could not see it so I had to make an account to ask you to kindly touch some fucking grass. I do tons of organizing with MLs and Maoists and none of them are going to “turn the guns on me”. People like you however I am very worried about calling the cops on us.

              Also Mao was an anarchist in college lol.

              Like I said, no investigation no right to speak.

              • Quokka
                8 months ago

                I blocked your shitty instances as somehow Hexbear and .ml got back into my feed. Good to see you got off the propaganda platforms. Maybe you can learn something while you’re here.

                Also I find the idea of your little chat groups hilarious, I hope you’re still talking and thinking about me.

          38 months ago

          the maoist uprising against the landlords was the largest and most comprehensive proletarian revolution in history, and led to almost totally-equal redistribution of land among the peasantry

          • Quokka
            8 months ago

            Sure, and it also led to mass deaths, brutal authoritarianism, and destruction of thousands of years of history.

            And it ended with state capitalism and a ruling billionaire class.

            Fuck authority.

              18 months ago

              Nice anti-communist think tank talking points you got there. Do you have any reliable evidence that shows it? All the evidence I can find kinda of points to the opposite?

              Ruling billionaire class? If you’re a capitalist in China and you even slightly fuck over the environment or your workers you get executed.

              Mass deaths…? You likely mean the deaths through starvation in one of the worst events of drought in history, which then never happened again? Or the deaths of the fascist reactionaries that fought against the revolution?

              State capitalism? Just go read a bit on socialist oriented markets and the theory behind the Chinese socialist model. You might not agree with it, but if that’s state capitalism, you can give me some and I’ll smile.

              And brutal authoritarianism? You literally never read a single source on Chinese democracy. I bet you live in a place that is infinitely less democratic.

              • Quokka
                8 months ago

                Nice state propaganda you have there.

                Tell me, why does China even have billionaires?

                You can parrot off all you want, we can see with our own eyes what China is.

                  48 months ago

                  If you want a serious answer:

                  If communism is “from each according to their will, and to each according to their need”, productive forces must be immensely higher than what had been achieved in the USSR with central planning, or even in capitalist countries like the US. They devised a system of “socialist oriented markets”, where the state under the communist party would guide capital markets but allow certain liberties for a new capitalist class to emerge and through the profit incentive internally develop the productive forces. But all this with much more control and limitations than in a capitalist country.

                  You can argue this isn’t socialism, and that it’s “bad”. But if we want to argue facts, China has seen the biggest increase in productive forces in the history of humanity. And coupled with that the biggest increase in quality of life as well.

                  I’m not gonna say I 100% support China or the Chinese model, but I am cautiously optimistic. Specially in the last couple of years. Seeing videos of people travelling to Chengdu, Chongqin, Harbin etc. truly looks like the future.

                  You can indeed see China with your own eyes. I suggest watching some travel videos. And if possible, go there. You would see how much their system is working, like it or not.

                  • Quokka
                    8 months ago

                    I’ve been to China, and I’ve hosted countless Chinese teachers and students over the years. I’m well informed on what China is.

                    Taking a lot of people out of poverty is great, but that could have just as easily been done without the mock trials, cult of personality, massacres, or cannibalism.

                    Authoritarian regimes are not and never will be the answer, they are the enemy of the people. Defending or simping for them makes you also one of those enemies.

                    And while ML’s might promote that economic nonsense, an anarchist would understand:

                    “All is for all! If the man and the woman bear their fair share of work, they have a right to their fair share of all that is produced by all, and that share is enough to secure them well-being. No more of such vague formulas as “The right to work,” or “To each the whole result of his labour.” What we proclaim is THE RIGHT TO WELL-BEING: WELL-BEING FOR ALL!”