• @Trainguyrom@reddthat.com
    6 months ago

    My point isn’t to excuse anything

    there’s a very clear double standard

    Which one is it? Based on your comment history you’re clearly engaging in Chinese apologism. I don’t know what propaganda you’ve fallen victim to, but normal people don’t argue about genocides like this, they don’t quanticize, analyze and categorize genocides and get salty when laymen refer to a genocide as a genocide. This is the kind of behavior of appologists and propagandists.

    Alternatively if we want to go full Godwin’s law, the Nazis initially “only” persecuted, imprisoned, enslaved, and tortured the Jewish people at similarly large scale before The Final Solution where they started killing them en mass. By your logic that was “only a cultural genocide” until the gas chambers entered use.

    • queermunist she/her
      6 months ago

      My point isn’t to excuse anything

      there’s a very clear double standard

      Which one is it?

      It’s both? What the hell, those are not mutually exclusive!

      If China is doing is genocide, then you have to apply that standard to the US. You refuse to do that because “the US is rising above it” based on nothing. The incarceration rate in the US is the highest in the world, US police kill people at a vastly higher rate than Chinese police kill people, but somehow that’s not genocide in your eyes because I’m supposed to believe the US is righting any of its wrongs.

      As for what “normal people” argue, they just repeat whatever they hear on the internet or on TV. Let’s not base our standards on that?

      How about this? We can agree that China is committing genocide against the Uighurs, but only if we use the same standards to say that the US is committing genocide against Black and Indigenous people. Otherwise you’re just applying a double standard to say “China bad!”

      At least we agree Israel is committing genocide, though. That at least gives us a baseline - but why won’t the UN?

      China is showing no signs of slowing nor course correcting on their genocides, and instead is doubling down.

      As an aside, your own link shows the rate of arrests has slowed dramatically. That doesn’t look like the precursor to a genocide.