• YeetPics
      -16 months ago

      They can’t discuss the problems with conservatism because it’s too close to their favorite autocratic authoritarian hellholes and they may get disappeared for being a dissenter. Really talking shit on liberals is all they have in life. It’s sad.

      • @SasquatchBanana@lemmy.world
        16 months ago

        No. Being sycophants for authoritarian and totalitarian regimes. Supporting Russia and China when they are committing genocide and are oligarchies and state capitlist. Spouting reactionary nonesense. Using the facade of socialism and progressivism to hide fascistic ideology.

        You know, same BS American Repubs do and conservatives and fascists of yore.

        • queermunist she/her
          -66 months ago

          Stop watering down the meaning of genocide! Twice as many civilians have died in Gaza as in Ukraine, and there’s no comparison at all between Gaza and Xinjiang province. More children have died in Gaza than the total number of civilians in Ukraine. Compare the numbers of journalists killed, aid workers killed, hospital staff killed, UN workers killed, there’s no contest. Gaza is what genocide actually looks like, and it comes across as shallow and hypocritical to call hexbears fascist when you’re the one that’s going to vote for genocide.

          • @Trainguyrom@reddthat.com
            16 months ago

            I’m sorry what? This genocide has killed more people than that genocide therefore…what’s your argument exactly?

            A genocide is a genocide, and I’m sure I’m with a lot of people when I say, let’s push to stop genocide altogether. Whether that’s in our own countries, in neighboring countries, in countries from across the world and even in countries we may not have heard of, any genocide is bad.

            • queermunist she/her
              6 months ago

              The “genocide” China is supposedly waging in Xinjiang province isn’t one of mass killing. That isn’t actually what they’re accused of if you look at the specifics. They’re accused of “cultural genocide” i.e. the systematic erasure of the cultural and religious practices of the Uigure ethnic minority.

              Their “genocide” isn’t killing anyone. Doesn’t that strike you as absurd?

              Meanwhile, the ongoing genocide in Gaza is being ignored and denied by the exact same countries that accuse China of committing genocide! Their hearts bleed for the Uyghur population (who are not being shot or bombed or tortured) and yet they can barely bring themselves to call for humanitarian assistance for Palestinians (who are being buried alive under rubble and bombed into oblivion and systematically starved to death)

              One of these is not like the other!

              • @Trainguyrom@reddthat.com
                16 months ago

                Their hearts bleed for the Uyghur population (who are not being shot or bombed or tortured)

                Bruh they’ve built a vast network of detention facilities that appear to be doing exactly that based on the information that is available.

                On August 31, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights released a report substantiating the mass arbitrary detention, torture, cultural persecution, forced labor, and other serious human rights violations documented by human rights groups in Xinjiang. The high commissioner’s report says the Chinese government’s conduct in the region may constitute international crimes, “in particular crimes against humanity.”

                By arguing over the differences between one genocide vs. another you’re a few steps removed from excusing one genocide because it’s not as bad as another. If you don’t want to look like a genocide apologist you might want to take a hard look at the way you discuss genocide and human rights.

                • queermunist she/her
                  -56 months ago

                  Yet your own link doesn’t accuse them of mass killing, and if we’re going to call mass incarceration genocide then by what measure is the United States’ own mass incarceration campaign different?

                  My point isn’t to excuse anything, but there’s a very clear double standard being used here that I’m trying to point out. The same UN office which accuses China of genocide will not apply this standard to Israel or the US. You can’t ignore this!

                  • @Trainguyrom@reddthat.com
                    6 months ago

                    My point isn’t to excuse anything

                    there’s a very clear double standard

                    Which one is it? Based on your comment history you’re clearly engaging in Chinese apologism. I don’t know what propaganda you’ve fallen victim to, but normal people don’t argue about genocides like this, they don’t quanticize, analyze and categorize genocides and get salty when laymen refer to a genocide as a genocide. This is the kind of behavior of appologists and propagandists.

                    Alternatively if we want to go full Godwin’s law, the Nazis initially “only” persecuted, imprisoned, enslaved, and tortured the Jewish people at similarly large scale before The Final Solution where they started killing them en mass. By your logic that was “only a cultural genocide” until the gas chambers entered use.

            • queermunist she/her
              -66 months ago

              The Uyghurs are in Xinjiang province my dude. Your heart bleeds for them and you don’t even know where they live. 🙄

              Now, go compare how Uyghurs are being treated to how Palestinians are being treated. One is called a genocide, one isn’t.

              • @SasquatchBanana@lemmy.world
                26 months ago

                Of course a fucking tanky will downplay what’s happening to the Uyghurs. I’m not here to compare atrocities. You can play your semantics game with genocide. Both shit is bad. Fuck Israel. Fuck China. Fuck Russia. Fuck anyone who defends them. Fuck tankies.

                • queermunist she/her
                  6 months ago

                  The people telling you that there’s a genocide happening to the Uyghurs are the same people saying that Israel is not committing genocide against Palestinians.

                  They’re lying to you.