• @lolcatnip@reddthat.com
    7 months ago

    I get the feeling you just want to argue.

    But assuming you’re serious, consider the question of what would happen if everyone did it: traffic would be severely impacted all the time, and/or a lot of accidents would happen, resulting in lots of victims. Contrast that with smoking weed: we’ve seen what happens when it’s made legal, and it turns out nobody gets hurt as a result except when the people smoking weed are committing some other crime, like DWI.

    • @Touching_Grass@lemmy.world
      -37 months ago

      Weed isn’t benign. It exasperates amd can induce psychotic mental health conditions much earlier in some people like schizophrenia and bipolar. It is carcinogenic. It does change people mentally affecting their emotional regulation and behaviors even when not high. There are impacts on already stretched health care systems. And what is wrong with wanting to argue. I want someone to give me good reason to think what constitutes a victimless crime isn’t some arbitrary line

      • @lolcatnip@reddthat.com
        37 months ago

        FFS, Weed doesn’t affect anyone who doesn’t choose to be affected. It doesn’t even need to be smoked. Ever hear the term “nanny state”?

        I don’t know what point you’re trying to make but if you honestly can’t understand the difference between a victimless crime and a real crime, I can’t communicate with you on this topic.

        • @Touching_Grass@lemmy.world
          -27 months ago

          Driving through red lights doesn’t affect anyone either than. I make it through the intersection, nobody gets hurt and everybody gets what they want. We’re arguing same thing. Both are victimless crimes.

          • @9bananas@lemmy.world
            37 months ago

            you are NOT arguing the same thing:

            • you making it through an intersection at a red light requires luck. you need to get lucky, every time, or someone fucking dies. a dead person is a fucking victim, therefore it’s not a “victimless crime”

            • weed can’t kill you. that’s why it’s a victimless crime. in extremely rare cases it can cause mental health problems, but only in the person taking it.

            the difference is that in one case YOU are responsible for harming someone else, in the other case they did it to themselves AND it’s extremely rare AND it’s not based on random luck.

            these situations are not even close to being the same thing.

            • @Touching_Grass@lemmy.world
              -37 months ago

              In the context of what people have said here they are the same.

              Luck has nothing to do with victimless crime. I can safely navigate running red lights and be as safe as smoking weed.

              Increases stoners increases amount of stoned drivers on the road. Increasing risk to all drivers.

              Smoking anything increases risk of disease. Inhaling any burning substance increases risk both to mental and physical health. Increasing demand on medical systems already stretched thin. Who says a pot head doesn’t kick someone out of prompt medical care by taking up a bed or service.

              But again increasing risk doesn’t create any victims. We’ve said no victimless crime should exist. Unless they should exist and that risk to public is a viable reason to create a law.