I’m thinking about buying a small 3D printer for the odd project once in a while.

Problem is, I will not use it very often and I don’t have much desk space for it to sit around.

Ideally (and I know this is utopia), I would like a device that I can pull out of a closet, fasten four screws, plug it in and be ready to go.

Is there something even remotely like that available? Every review I’ve seen just seems to assume that printers are basically static.

  • William
    910 months ago

    I can’t think of any printers that would get smaller if you could slightly disassemble them. They would all take a lot of disassembly, and then still take up almost as much space as before.

    I like the idea of just using a print service. More expensive per print, but if you don’t print often, it’s probably cheaper than buying and maintaining your own.

    The library idea is really good, too.