• mo_ztt ✅
    7 months ago

    Again: What?

    You asked “what is the real issue with Hunter’s behavior?”, making it sound like he never committed any crime, so I listed some of the crimes he allegedly committed. Not paying or not filing taxes are technically crimes, yes. They’re rarely prosecuted though. If you owe some money, you’re probably fine, especially if you’re in communication with the IRS. If you’re falsifying your deductions and you owe millions to the IRS and are years behind on your filings you may be in trouble, yes, and they may tack on charges for money you didn’t pay or years you filed late once they’re annoyed at you.

    Like I say, I’m not interested in whataboutism about Matt Gaetz in order to downplay anything Biden did. Firearms violations and tax charges are not the worst thing in the world, no. In comparison with what Jeffrey Dahmer did, what Matt Gaetz did wasn’t that bad. Neither comparison is relevant. Just charge the people with what they committed, whether it’s white-collar crime or predatory sex or serial murder. Which yes, means I think Matt Gaetz should have gotten charges. That doesn’t mean, though, that I want to try to pretend Hunter Biden didn’t do anything (or allegedly do anything; he still has his day in court to defend himself from the allegations.)

    • @Beetschnapps@lemmy.world
      7 months ago

      Because I’m not debating his behavior I’m debating it’s worth as a scandal. Whatabout all you need. You’re still focused on a white guy who owes taxes. Why that is a big deal is up to you.

      • mo_ztt ✅
        67 months ago

        Is it a big deal to me? 0%. I don’t give a shit what happens to Hunter Biden. The only reason I care about this story at all is that it’s nice to see well-connected white collar criminals getting charges for once. If you’d replied to me asking how much this is worth as a scandal, or pointing out that what Matt Gaetz did was worse, then we could have had a nice agreeable conversation about yeah I agree with you on that. Instead you told me that he did “not really anything unlawful,” and that’s how we started talking.

        I mean do you feel the same way about Trump’s trial for business fraud in New York? If someone said that in that venue he’s just guilty of being privileged and well off, not really anything unlawful, how would you feel about that?

        • @Beetschnapps@lemmy.world
          -47 months ago

          I mean he’s not been convicted of anything yet. Only accused of rather common concerns of taxes owed. Nothing close to decades of fraud like trump. Yet it’s only in the headlines because republicans are desperate. I just don’t see Biden’s son being the white collar sacrificial lamb that matters.

          Again why the “scandal”? At most his big unlawful behavior is a matter of owing money that can be paid. Meanwhile Jan 6… but yea everyone should be held to follow the law. So back taxes is where we draw the line?

          • BuelldozerA
            7 months ago

            Only accused of rather common concerns of taxes owed.

            I think you forgot illegally purchasing and possessing a firearm.

          • mo_ztt ✅
            7 months ago

            I actually agree with you on the vast majority of what you’re saying. In particular, how Trump’s crimes are a grave threat to democracy in the US, whereas the allegations about Hunter Biden are basically harmless in the grand scheme of things (although, you didn’t answer my question on whether Trump’s New York business crimes are also basically harmless in your eyes.) And, I agree that at least to some degree Hunter Biden is being prosecuted specifically because of the Republicans wanting to weaponize law enforcement against their enemies.

            But it sounds to me like you’re wanting to go further than that, into using that all as a reason to make the factually untrue claim that Hunter isn’t actually being accused of anything criminal (which, all the allegations could be false, but it’s hard for me to see the DOJ under Biden claiming that he didn’t file taxes for some year when he actually did, or otherwise go into the realm of the trivially disprovable just to harass him). And then when I list specific crimes, you start saying that allegations of those crimes are no big deal, because look at the Republicans!

            Which is, of course, what the Republicans tend to do when their crimes are pointed out. In my opinion it’s crooked and dishonest when they use that whataboutism, which is why I don’t want to do the same for “my side”. More to the point, Hunter Biden isn’t “my side.” Neither is Jared Kushner. They’re both just mostly-private individuals who may or may not have done something wrong, and if they did something criminal and it can be proved in court, then they should be convicted. Why does it need to be more complicated than that? Why should anything on the Republican side mean that Hunter Biden gets a pass?

            I feel like we’re going in circles a little bit so we may have to agree to disagree. But that’s how I see it, at least.

            • @Beetschnapps@lemmy.world
              07 months ago

              I agree. And I’m not trying excuse anything Hunter is involved with. Just saying you and I could get accused of tax issues. They got Marcus Garvey on Mail Fraud. If republicans want a scandal they could just as easily point one your ways based on “taxes.“ Regardless it’s not really a scandal.