• Long enough term, it’s guaranteed 100% loss though, you just feel like you’ll know when to pull the trigger. I divested everything when I 10x’ed my money… when Bitcoin were $1k each. I realized that that ride is a fucking roller coaster and I didn’t want on it. Do I wish I had $500k worth of bitcoin right now? Hell yeah, but fuck me if it couldn’t have gone the other way.

      • @Dewded@lemmy.world
        17 months ago

        Depends on your currency.

        USD or EUR? Probably more like 20-40%.

        Venezuelan bolivar? 99% is a pipe dream.

            • @SuckMyWang@lemmy.world
              7 months ago

              I know they’re not comparable but bitcoin has increased in value around 70 000%. There’s no centralised money printer so supply can’t be diluted and its other feature is its transparency. The funny part is how much value you can attribute to the transparency. It’s so easy for any system to have transparency but when it’s centralised it’s always a conscious decision by the designers to make it closed which will always attract suspicion and erode trust, as it should.

              As long as there are bitcoin believers the trend will continue, it doesn’t matter if you personally think bitcoin is stupid or not. I personally think it’s ok but there’s probably better ways to preserve wealth transparently. The only question that matters is will everyone think bitcoin is stupid? As long as price goes up long term answer will be no. Keep in mind in 100 years from now the US dollars value will probably drop another 97% on top of what it’s worth now.