Spotify will end service in Uruguay due to bill requiring fair pay for artists:: The Uruguayan Parliament approved an amendment to the country’s copyright law last month

    1210 months ago

    What is Agadu? Seems like a pretty high tax considering the remaining 40% go to those who made the music .

    • Brunacho
      210 months ago

      AGADU is the society of authors. Kind of an union (it’s not an union but sort of). It’s suppossed role is defending the rights of authors

      110 months ago

      It’s a copyright management firm. Some countries have government-sponsored monopolists for that. This looks like one of those.

      The author of a song and the performers may not be the same (most obvious with covers). Most of the money collected by Agadu is presumably paid out to the authors/songwriters (or whoever they sold the rights to?), minus management fees. Whether the pay-out scheme is fair, may be another point of contention. Think about a live band playing covers by various authors in some bar: How is it tracked what they play, and how much should be given to each of the many different authors? I don’t know how that works in Uruguay, but my country has a system of that sort.