• FuglyDuck
    118 months ago

    there’s plenty of other reasons to not eat shrimp. from the CO2 emissions created from wild caught shrimp to the concerns about mangroves being cut down to make room. (this is not as true as it used to be,) to the use of slave labor.

    Not trying to get preachy or anything- I certainly can’t claim to be the most environmentally-conscious eater. (I try. but damn steak is good. too. Now I’m craving surf n’ turf.)

    • RT Redréovič
      08 months ago

      Changing lifestyle habits can only be effective for an individual’s own health. To mask it as a step to contributing towards a healthier environment however is purely wishful thinking. I respect your lifestyle choices as an individual and of course people do need to adopt the principle of ‘use only as much as you need’ but do keep in mind that the major share of blame in the destruction of the environment lies in the incompetent and overtly greedful exploitation of the environmental resources done in the name of capital generation/profit under Imperialist-Capitalism.