I’ve noticed YouTube specifically has become more addictive, I never used to be one to sit and scroll for long durations before but I often catch myself spending way too long on shorts now

Even people or older generations seem to be getting sucked in nowadays

  • @marx2k@lemmy.world
    6910 months ago

    I’m finding it to be the opposite. All content on YouTube and social media, including lemmy, seems to just be endless reposts of the same limited list of topics and memes.

    Its become boring to the point where I’m just going back to specific interest forums websites for content.

    • Selkie
      2510 months ago

      People talk about how good algorithms are now, but they can’t figure out anything I actually want to watch nowadays

    • @i_am_hungry@meganice.online
      1010 months ago

      Totally agree, barely go on YouTube anymore because garbage videos are being pushed in my face, and hate browsing channels because of Shorts, and all the same sponsor segments everyone has, just boring.

    • @avapa@lemmy.world
      810 months ago

      YouTube Shorts doesn’t even work properly for me. At least half the videos, that are suggested to me, I’ve already seen multiple times before. Boring, as you said. I’ve found myself staying off of social media or news sites more in the last couple of weeks. News’ll make me depressive, social media bores me. Then again, more time for hobbies!