Edit: good to see I woke the shills

  • @LillyPip@lemmy.ca
    3211 months ago

    How old are you?

    There’s literally never been a good position on the fucking decades long Israel conflict that will please people. Most people smart and/or old enough know to stay the fuck out of it. It’s a meme, for fuck’s sake. There was a Rick and Morty episode about it several years ago, that’s how much of a meme it is now.

    If you’re judging Biden by that, you’re obviously too young to remember the last time this volcano of shit erupted. Maybe look at other issues that impact American’s lives that don’t have to do with inane fantasies about Armageddon.

    • @Count042@lemmy.ml
      11 months ago

      I’m forty fucking five. I want us to stay out of it. It’s our tax dollars that are paying for the weapons being used. This conflict exists BECAUSE we don’t stay out of it. If we did, Israel would have had to actually negotiate in good faith decades ago. You are directly paying to enact a genocide, because our current president is unwilling to tell Israel to knock it the fuck off.

      Reagan stopped Israel bombing in twenty minutes with a single phone call. (Not that Reagan is a good person, just that the capability exists for Biden, he just chooses not to use it.)

      I do remember Operation Cast Lead. I’m willing to bet that you didn’t even know the name of the last time it erupted. You’re so ignorant that you view actual knowledge and lived experience as ignorance, because you’re so ignorant you don’t know how ignorant you are.

      Finally, this is not inane you fucking moron, you have no knowledge of foreign policy, and this very easily could erupt into a wider regional war that turns into WW3.

      P.S. It doesn’t matter what I think you fucking blood thirsty child murder justifying fuck, What matters is that a large enough percentage of voters in the mid-west swing states to be required for a Democratic win are Muslim. They correctly see Biden’s actions as enabling a genocide against a people they identify with. As a result, their support has dropped down to single digit support.

      Every other normally Democratic voter that wasn’t Muslim could choose to vote for Biden, and he would still lose due to actions that would have been possible for someone as idiotic as yourself to predict. The Biden administration has done it to themselves.

    • @hark@lemmy.world
      -1511 months ago

      I’m old enough to remember when democrats pointed out how horrible george w bush was while he was president (and rightfully so), but have only sucked his dick since then. Sorry, I don’t trust democrats to save a goddamn thing. Your padded and fluffed up lists don’t change that. I’ll continue voting for democrats down the entire ballot every single election, but I’m not stupid enough to think it will change anything.

      • @LillyPip@lemmy.ca
        1611 months ago

        Wait, are you saying democrats have sucked Bush’s dick? I must be misunderstanding what you’re saying, because that’s ludicrous.

        I haven’t padded or fluffed anything. I’m very critical of all politicians, but I’m also realistic in what can be accomplished within the system we have. I don’t love democrats, and in my ideal world we’d have a better system.

        But I will not allow fascism to grow in the bed of misguided discontent, which is literally what you’re doing.

        • @hark@lemmy.world
          -911 months ago



          As for your lists, all it takes is a glance to immediately see the padding and fluff. For example, there are multiple lines dedicated to student loan forgiveness which is hilarious, seeing as Biden was a key figure in creating the student loan crisis in the first place:



          So while he can brag about a few billions here and there freed up by enforcing rules that already existed, the student loan problem is now around $1.7 trillion and none of his policies address the loans that are currently being taken nor the loans being taken out in the future. In other words, he’s not solving the problem, not even ones he helped create himself. That’s really democrats in a nutshell: play along with republicans to create problems and then present themselves as “the thin blue line” that protects us by providing minor relief. One step forward and five steps back means you’re still going backward.

          • @LillyPip@lemmy.ca
            511 months ago

            That first link is ridiculous, because it’s not about democrats liking Bush, but about democrats pining for a sane candidate again as opposed to trump. I said the same things back then. I hate Bush, but at least he was sane. Your article isn’t about democrats liking Bush, but about them hating trump so very much, even the notorious Bush seemed decent by comparison, and that’s saying something.

            How did we move from the 2A to you niggling over the student loan issue, which is most of your links? Do you even care about the student loan issue? I’ll bet you don’t, and it’s such a small part of what Biden has done, I can’t help but think you’re being disingenuous in bringing it up.

            Come on, be real with me. What’s your real issue here?

            • @hark@lemmy.world
              -311 months ago

              A sane candidate like Bush, you know, the one who lied to get us into two wars. The guy who pushed for a border fence. The guy at the helm when the great recession hit. The guy who did nothing in the face of hurricane katrina. Yeah, very sane. If you paid attention to policy, you’d notice that Trump’s policies are merely a continuation of Bush’s.

              I talked about the student loan issue because you asked how your lists were padded and fluffed up. You claim they’re such a small part of what Biden has done, yet this one issue has taken up at least five different lines of one of your little lists and I noticed this right away from a simple glance. The only one being disingenuous is you, who clearly has some agenda when you’ve made a community just to hold your padded lists. Would you like me to continue picking apart your lists?

              My real issue is how you’re trying to present Biden and the democrats in general as saviors when really they’re part of the problem. People are still miserable and out-of-touch democrats claiming “no, no, everything is great now because the president is a blue guy” are not helping. How about we get some real solutions?

              • @LillyPip@lemmy.ca
                11 months ago

                Did you miss the part where I said I hated Bush? Why are you so angry about that? Why are you so angry at me?

                We probably want the same things. I’m just not angry about it at people I haven’t met, like you. I’m not afraid of people because people I also haven’t met are telling me to be.

                You sound like a smart person. Stop arguing with someone you don’t know on the internet and start thinking about why you’re being manipulated to be angry at people like me. I’m not trying to take anything from you, I promise.

                e: feel free to reply in a day or so after you’ve got a reply distilled from whatever group you might copy/paste my comment to. I’ll be here.