For me it’s definitely the Dark Tower, but the Golden Compas was also a huge letdown.

  • Oh God, I remember how disappointed I was when seeing the Eragon movie. After having read the trilogy I was having such high hopes, it could’ve been a LOTR alike trilogy, but instead we got this half baked… Stuff. At least the actors gave their best.

    Kind of in the same line with the golden compass I guess?

    • Khrux
      411 months ago

      I really enjoyed the Eragon books as a kid but they aren’t great themselves. It’s a mediocre book series adapted to a bad film.

      • Oh yeah for sure, they were great to child me, I haven’t read them in years.

        I just thought of another example to the theme: I also really enjoyed the vampires assistant thirteenology or so, but the movie was horrendous!