Recently, the Prav app was released in F-droid. In this application, registration is by phone number.

What do you think about this?

  • Pirate Praveen
    18 months ago

    @Deus @Slow @u_tamtam If you already know/use/happy with original, please continue using the same. Even if you are laerning about it and still find it better than Prav, please use them too. We are just offering one more #XMPP service with some differences which some users might find better. The service run as a cooperative might be attractive to some users because the priorities are set by a group of people in a democratic way giving people an option to participate.

    • Pirate Praveen
      18 months ago

      @Deus @Slow @u_tamtam Another thing going for us is, anyone who personally knows any of the Prav members, there is a direct personal trust. We can also more confidently pitch Prav to our family and friends since we have a direct involvement in how Prav is operated and how privacy policy is made in Prav. This could potentially motivate more people to try Prav, instead of suggesting them to install some random app.