Recently, the Prav app was released in F-droid. In this application, registration is by phone number.

What do you think about this?

  • Hippo 🦀🦀
    8 months ago

    @Deus another Prav volunteer here. If you need to ask about choosing it over the original, you’re probably better off with the original 😅

    The personal motivation behind Prav was similar to Quicksy: to get friends onto XMPP when they’re too impatient to learn how it all works :xmpp:

    We realised it helps to be running the service ourselves, and to be able to modify the app as our users request (which can of course be propagated upstream if there is interest) 🛠️

    🧵 1/3

    @Slow @u_tamtam @praveen

    • Hippo 🦀🦀
      18 months ago

      @Deus I guess you’d use Prav if:

      🇮🇳 you are based in India

      🗳️ you want to be part of our cooperative society and make decisions on what happens next (even if you’re not a developer)

      💰 you want to support the development and running costs, but, more importantly, the publicity we’re doing in India (if we have leftovers, we plan to donate them upstream)

      :xmpp: and/or, you just want to talk to your friend with this new “XMPP” thing they’re going on about

      🧵 2/3

      @Slow @u_tamtam @praveen

      • Hippo 🦀🦀
        18 months ago

        @Deus but when people are more deeply interested, or if they aren’t based in India, we do direct them to other projects like Cheogram, Snikket, and of course Quicksy and Conversations itself! ↗️

        🧵 3/3

        @Slow @u_tamtam @praveen