• Melody Fwygon
    1311 months ago

    I genuinely don’t care what the slang is today. It’s their right to use whatever slang works for them.

    What I do care about is when my Gen-Z friends/Peers use that slang at or around me. Then; all I ask is that they have the infinite patience needed to put up with me going “WAT?” every once in a while as my slightly slower millennial brain fails to decode that slang fast enough to stop myself from asking “what the hell do they mean exactly?” and enough patience to slow their lingo down and explain what they mean If the message was intended for me.

    • Azuth
      111 months ago

      Your GenX peers wanted the same from you, as did their Boomer peers from them. One day, those same zoomer friends of yours will be confused and annoyed by their Gen Alpha friends’ slang, and the cycle will continue.