• FoundTheVegan
    8 months ago

    or is this take maybe really dumb?

    It should be a red flag to stop and revaluate your morals when it comes time to explain why something isn’t genocide.

    • @SCB@lemmy.world
      -238 months ago

      You can call literally any shit genocide and it would be indefensible to argue otherwise under your logic.

      • FoundTheVegan
        168 months ago

        But we aren’t talking about cookie genocide from eating a box of oreos.

        People without food, water or electricity are dying in mass to bombings from Isreal and your defending the action by saying it’s not efficient enough to be a genocide. People are dying and you are playing word games.

        Seriously. Stop, walk away and really think about what is important to you

        • @SCB@lemmy.world
          8 months ago

          I’m not the one playing word games by calling this war genocide.

          War is indeed terrible. Civilians, especially the poor, are always the ones suffering the most in any war.

          That doesn’t make every war genocide, and that language has consequences.

          • FoundTheVegan
            128 months ago

            War is between two armies, so why is Isreal cutting off food, water and electricity to the entire population? Why can’t the people of Gaza leave? Why does Isreal control every facet of life in the strip? Why does Isreal use tanks against kids with rocks?

            It’s not war when one side is trapped without basic utilities and the other is a well funded army.

            • @SCB@lemmy.world
              -108 months ago

              War is between two armies, so why is Isreal cutting off food, water and electricity to the entire population?

              This is how war is fought. It is standard US doctrine, for instance.

              Why can’t the people of Gaza leave?

              Their neighbors won’t take them after some refugees attempted coups and formed terrorist organizations. I personally disagree with viewing all Palestinian refugees as inherently dangerous, but their neighbors do not.

              Why does Isreal use tanks against kids with rocks?

              They’re using tanks against combined-arms forces that include current-generation, high-tech weaponry. It says a lot about your ignorance of Hamas that you think they’re made up of “kids with rocks.” This isn’t 2014.

              • FoundTheVegan
                8 months ago

                This is how war is fought. It is standard US doctrine, for instance

                It is literally a war crime to do collective punishment. And I’m not sure why you would appeal to what the US does. My country is responsible for numerous atrocities, including genocide.

                It says a lot about your ignorance of Hamas that you think they’re made up of “kids with rocks.” This isn’t 2014.

                I… am honestly at a loss for words here. I don’t think you realize how damming this thought process is. Of course it’s not 2014, but Isreal has been killing Palestinian kids with rocks has been occurring since then (like srsly, this is recent history). But somehow this is “just a war”?

                Restricting movement and controlling all facets of life in the strip has had obvious effects on the people being controlled. How exactly did we come to the point where Israel is at war with people they control? Where the water in Isreal is clean but the facilties in Gaza are polluted. What infrastructure can be built when Israel controls the imports to the area? What country can be formed when Isreal repeatedly annexs territory to their settlers? I wasn’t referring to refugees being accepted to other countries, I am talking about the walls prevent people from leaving.

                This isn’t a war, but a trapped exploited people striking back at their oppressors. I’m not pleased about the violence, but it would be childish to tell these Palestinians to continue peaceful marches when they are killed in mass for doing so.

                • @SCB@lemmy.world
                  8 months ago

                  I stopped at “collective punishment” because this isn’t what that means.

                  I can guess what the rest says and it’s the same tripe, probably insinuating I eon care bout Palestinians etc while also defending Hamas

                  Edit: lol saw this at the end tho when I posted

                  This isn’t a war, but a trapped exploited people striking back at their oppressors. I’m not pleased about the violence, but it would

                  Called it

                  • FoundTheVegan
                    58 months ago

                    I am not suprised, yet still disappointed, that you continue to play semantics. But I suppose there isn’t much else you can do when the goal is to defend the unconsciousable.

                    One day I hope you will think both more critically of the things you say and the stances you are forced to take in service of your views.