[SOLVED] People of Lemmy. I’m trying (and failing) to get a friend onto my Tailnet. These are the steps: (1) I send them an invite. (2) They accept it. (3) I approve it. (4) They open the app and login. And … nothing. They don’t show up as connected on my admin panel and they can’t access any of my connected machines (IP address is fine). I feel like I’m missing something really obvious but can’t see what it is. Any ideas?

EDIT: All fixed. Needed to share machine directly, but this doesn’t work for regular users. Once I deleted them as a user and then shared it was all good. Thanks everyone!

  • @Fynbar
    18 months ago

    Hey, I guess it depends on how he is trying to reach the machines. Is he using the tailscale IPs (like 100.100…) or yours (like 192.168…)?