One month after experimental pig heart transplant, doctors say they see no signs of rejection or infection::One month after an experimental procedure to transplant the heart of a genetically modified pig into a patient with end-stage heart disease, doctors say the heart is functioning on its own and shows no signs of rejection.

    159 months ago

    If you’re not a vegan this is a super weird take. Hell, as a vegan myself, I don’t have a massive issue with trading pig lives for human lives. Yes it’d be ideal if we did it in other ways, but there’s an actually decent argument that it’s permissible and even good to save humans by killing animals.

    Killing pigs because “mmm bacon” though? Yeah that’s a bad reason. Pleasure doesn’t permit suffering, most humans understand that unlees it’s their own pleasure they’re talking about.

      19 months ago

      Given the hivemind that are social media websites and their tendency to lean toward “mmm bacon”, you never know who will react when you talk about the ethics behind killing animals. Even planting the seed of considering them not just bio-bags of spare organs could lead someone to question their consumption of meat down the road.

    • @1984
      19 months ago

      It’s a weird take to think it’s fine to trade pig lives for human lives? I think it’s absolutely brutal and shows how cruel humans are to other species once again. And we are not even ashamed of it.

        19 months ago

        The take in isolation isn’t weird, but if they’re not vegan it is weird, because it’s inconsistent.

        Saying “it’s not okay to trade pig lives for human lives” while also saying “it’s okay to trade pig lives because bacon tastes yummy” is the weird/inconsistent part.

        I’m not hard sold one way or another on trading pig lives for human lives. I’ve been a human supremacist my whole life (only been vegan for 3 years), and I recognize I might have a bias that needs to be unlearned. It’s possible that pig lives are worth the same as human lives and I’m just bigoted against them.

        I’m still vegan though, it’s incredibly easy to recognize that pig lives are worth more than taste pleasure. The harder questions come in when we’re talking life/death instead of just sensory pleasure.

        • @1984
          9 months ago

          People are inconsistent all the time, that’s why I don’t think it’s weird at all. Almost all humans buy meat but almost all humans would be unable to work in a slaughter house and see what happens there.

          It’s only weird if you don’t understand how the human mind works.

            19 months ago

            Or if you view the human mind as weird generally. Our intelligence affords us an unusual ability to be inconsistent in our ideologies, other creatures can’t normally hold that kind of dissonance in their head due to lack of complexity.

            So yeah I was calling the inconsistency weird. There’s this weird interim between primal stupidity and enlightened intelligence where humans are, where we’re able to reason about the world and can still choose to be illogical or inconsistent.

        9 months ago

        That’s how life works, nothing weird about it if you’re not sheltered and overly sensitive

        • @1984
          19 months ago

          Maybe you are overly cruel?