Humans will go through a period of devolution now, where the population will get even lazier and dumber. It’s clearly one of the goals to dumb people down so they can be controlled by their simple urges.
I feel sorry for kids today. It’s going to be rough growing up in this shit hole.
Everyone is getting stupider except you right? Like you’re not one of the dumbed down lazy people are you? or your loved ones?
People have said this shit since we have written records.The whole idea of fallen man is the foundation of the Abrahamic religions, probably others I don’t know of too.
People are doing alright, actually go talk to some. Yeah yeah a lot aren’t crazy educated but even the most educated intellectual titans of our age are uneducated in the overwhelming majority of things.
We do alright, there are many problems but they’re not because people are getting less intelligent. We are no smarter or stupider than the first humans, or at least we have no reason to believe otherwise. We have better access to information and we’re also facing some very large problems, but so did bronze age people.
Read the epic of Gilgamesh, it’ll chill you out some.
“…And these children that you spit on,
As they try to change their worlds,
Are immune to your consultations,
They’re quite aware of what they’re going through.”
Humans will go through a period of devolution now, where the population will get even lazier and dumber. It’s clearly one of the goals to dumb people down so they can be controlled by their simple urges.
I feel sorry for kids today. It’s going to be rough growing up in this shit hole.
Everyone is getting stupider except you right? Like you’re not one of the dumbed down lazy people are you? or your loved ones?
People have said this shit since we have written records.The whole idea of fallen man is the foundation of the Abrahamic religions, probably others I don’t know of too.
People are doing alright, actually go talk to some. Yeah yeah a lot aren’t crazy educated but even the most educated intellectual titans of our age are uneducated in the overwhelming majority of things.
We do alright, there are many problems but they’re not because people are getting less intelligent. We are no smarter or stupider than the first humans, or at least we have no reason to believe otherwise. We have better access to information and we’re also facing some very large problems, but so did bronze age people.
Read the epic of Gilgamesh, it’ll chill you out some.
The youth is doomed, it’s been known since the dawn of time.
My one resolve, as I enter my greying, is to never become one of those dipshits.
The kids are alright, a little straight edge for my tastes but they’re alright.
Idiocracy is not a documentary.
That has nothing to do with evolution and “de-evolution” isn’t a thing.
“…And these children that you spit on, As they try to change their worlds, Are immune to your consultations, They’re quite aware of what they’re going through.”
'nuff said.