Please, help us to better understand how we can effectively funnel reddit users into Lemmy across all demographics, leveraging the average Lemmings advantages like expertise in automation, ai and bots?

What tactics/strategies do you propose? Can we automate the process? Can we somehow add ai to make it more fashionable?

    8 months ago

    Reddit made it so you can’t downvote from a profile page, it simply wouldn’t count. You had to open every comment individually and vote on them. Sorry that it is happening to you. Maybe make a new account, karma isn’t that important, yet we all feel more welcome if there’s positive votes.

      8 months ago

      Nah i don’t give a shit about karma i’m just genuinly depressed people are this angry and petty. But then again it’s not really surprising since it’s mostly coming from the US bootlickers.

      It also skews the point of downvotes even as disagree button.

      Reddit made it so you can’t downvote from a profile page, it simply wouldn’t count.

      I didn’t know that lol, support my theory of some places (.world for example) being really worse than reddit.