I’ve been trying to get the app setup today, and I’m struggling to find communities through search. It seems like the search is only checking communities on my instance, not everywhere? Not sure if I’m missing something but I can’t find a way to search the broader fediverse.

    • @ParadachshundOP
      48 months ago

      Oh weird. Is that a framework limitation of Lemmy? Seems undesirable. Thanks for the response.

      • AphoticDev
        108 months ago

        That is a Lemmy is ran by thousands of individuals who do not want to pay out of pocket to allow every server in the fediverse to waste their resources running search queries all day limitation.

        • @ParadachshundOP
          58 months ago

          Definitely a bad user experience for an everyday pleb like myself. Seems like a solution will be needed for that eventually if we want wider adoption. That’s far beyond the scope of Boost, though, so I’ll leave it there. Thanks for the explanation.