Morrissey said if new testing of the gun showed it was working, she would recharge Baldwin.

    -469 months ago

    He and his production team hired the “expert.” They are responsible for vetting and overseeing employees and contractors.

    Even if (big if) he’s not guilty for pulling the trigger (actors take weapons safety courses), he’s completely guilty of negligently surrounding himself with unqualified people in positions that are of life and death importance.

      9 months ago

      Gross negligence can and should be brought up in a civil case. But criminal law is a different animal. People get killed all the time, but you don’t get charged for murder when it’s obviously an accident. Even involuntary manslaughter probably has too high a bar for a rich person to get convicted. Remember the afluenza kid?

    • hiddengoat
      209 months ago

      A weapons safety course doesn’t mean anything when it comes to criminal liability on a movie set. All that does is absolve the studio if stupid shit happens because an actor did stupid shit. It was not an actor that did stupid shit here, it was the armorer.

      The armorer that Baldwin hired and continued to employ long after she was shown to be ill suited for the job, which made him and the company civilly liable.

      Baldwin and the production company already came to a civil settlement with the deceased’s family.