Always a smokescreen to take away your rights. Epstein plead guilty in 2008 to trafficking children to nobody.

  • @doctorcrimson
    9 months ago

    Listen, I can say that any number of past employers raped me, but why does that alone constitute evidence? Tara Reade has plenty enough to gain from lying, and nobody who worked there corroborates the claim. They even called it absurd.

    • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
      -19 months ago

      There is plenty of collaborating evidence to her claims and what you think she had to gain from chuds like you making her life hell as result I have no idea. You’ve exposed yourself as an utter piece of human garbage here.

      • @doctorcrimson
        9 months ago

        Present it. She literally published a book and accepted paid speaking events. Accusing Biden pays all of her bills. Last I heard the only people who were willing to side with Reade was her mother and her neighbor. If there were a sexual harassments claim in a government office then there are normally large paper trails and documented statements involved.