• @electrogamerman@lemmy.world
        209 months ago

        Why is it than when someone criticizes muslim, there is always a comment replying “bUt CaThOlIcISm or bUt ChRiStIaNiSm”

        Yes, all religions are shit.

          • @maporita@unilem.org
            69 months ago

            It’s only Islamists that beat girls to death for not wearing the right headgear, or stone people to death for committing adultery, or execute people for being gay, or strap bombs to themselves and try and kill as many innocent people as possible. Yes … all religions are stupid and most are regressive and have crazy rules. But one religion is objectively far worse than all the rest put together (and I include the vile christian conservatives in that group).

              • @maporita@unilem.org
                39 months ago

                Yes, yes and yes. Christianity in the middle ages was responsible for all manner of brutality. No argument there. It doesn’t change my assertion.

                By the way, instead of saying “in this minute of history” you can just say “now” … it sounds less pompous.

        • @dQw4w9WgXcQ@lemm.ee
          159 months ago

          From what I can recall, when muslim do bad shit, people tend to comment that islam is shit. But when christians do bad shit, people tend to comment that religion is shit.

          I don’t know. It might be some weird confirmation bias where I feel like muslims as a whole get more targeted hate when I actually want to hate you all equally.

          • @afraid_of_zombies@lemmy.world
            -29 months ago

            Christianity is shit. There I said it. I will continue to say it until I am freaken dead and nothing remains because there is no god and there is no afterlife. Fuck Christianity, the religion with the highest kill count and as far as I can tell the only achievements it has given the humans race are

            1. The gun

            2. The coathanger abortion

            3. And the Inquisition

            The world would be a better place if James the Just had gotten hit with a rock the moment he started bullshitting about his fake brother.

            There. Is that enough for you? Did I make up for all the supposed silence going on?

        • @JoBo@feddit.uk
          89 months ago

          Just a coincidence that every single religion came up with it, and China retains it despite having got rid of religion.

          Yeah, that makes loads of sense. Sure you’re right. Carry on, nothing to see here.

            • @JoBo@feddit.uk
              9 months ago

              Religion is a tool that comes in very handy for patriarchy. And all major religions are patriarchal because patriarchy came first. But religion is not a necessary nor sufficient condition for patriarchy to flourish. Patriarchy twists everything to its own purpose. That’s the whole suffocating thing about power. It can protect itself like nothing else can.

              • @electrogamerman@lemmy.world
                19 months ago

                I agree that it went like this:

                Patriarchy -> Religion -> Patriarchy

                I’ll never understand why women nowadays are still servant of religion. “Yes, ill serve my man. I’m nothing but a baby carrier”. It’s crazy.

                • @JoBo@feddit.uk
                  39 months ago

                  People make decisions with constrained choices. If you’re a woman livng in a patriarchal society which limits your ability to earn an income, and will demonise you for not staying home with your children, then you need to reliably attach yourself to a man who can earn the income you can’t. That’s how the marriage bar was justified. (Middle-class) married women were denied (white collar) employment to make more room for men to advance their careers. And why there are mixed feelings about divorce. Being trapped in marriage is no fun but neither is being abandoned with limited ability to earn a living alone.

                  Hostile sexism tends to co-exist with benevolent sexism. In places where there is a lot of anti-woman sexism, the women tend to hold more hostile and more benevolent views of men (eg men are violent therefore I need a big strong man to protect me).

          • @afraid_of_zombies@lemmy.world
            09 months ago

            If cancer were cured tomorrow people would still eventually die, just not from cancer. That doesn’t mean that cancer does not kill.

            Yes there are shit governments and oppressive societies that, on paper at least claim, to be secular. That doesn’t mean religions are blameless and not the source of immense human suffering.

            • @JoBo@feddit.uk
              19 months ago

              Well, exactly? Cancer is a sometimes fatal disease. But it is not the only way that people die. So someone looking at a fatal road traffic accident and cursing cancer for it is not saying anything profound or useful, they’re just very confused.

              • @afraid_of_zombies@lemmy.world
                09 months ago

                Ok but I am pretty freaken sure if you listen to what the Iranian government has to say they are crystal clear about why they are doing this.

                I don’t grasp the mystery here but I have seen it since 2001. We keep saying “this isn’t Islam this isn’t religion” when the people doing this horrific stuff are clear that it is Islam and it is religion. The only one doubting the motivations, effectively calling them liars, are western apologists.

                • @JoBo@feddit.uk
                  19 months ago

                  That does not contradict anything I’ve said. And why are you singling out Islam when every single religion is used to justify awful things by people who just want to do awful things.

                  • @afraid_of_zombies@lemmy.world
                    -19 months ago

                    Sorry did you not read my multiple screeds against other religions in this thread or did you just not care?

                    Also fuck that logic. I am not an EEO ranting provider. I don’t have to make sure that every religion gets equal amount of time being yelled at. I hope you enjoyed your BBC documentary about how really peaceful Islam secretly is.

        • @SCB@lemmy.world
          9 months ago

          Patriarchy predates monotheistic religions by quite some time, and was not (is not) religiously codified into all polytheistic religions. Hinduism for example is not explicitly patriarchal. Patriarchy in ancient Greece was similarly not explicitly religiously-motivated - rather, Ancient Greeks imposed their (at the time, current) cultural norms upon their religion, which was significantly more malleable than modern monotheistic (e.g. Abrahamic) religions.

          In fact, very strong arguments can be made that patriarchy shaped religion, as opposed to the other way around.

          See Romans in the Bible, for an easily-googleable example of one man imposing his personal ideas onto a nascent church.