Compared to Bluetooth:

  • 60% lower power consumption
  • Six times higher data transmission speed
  • 1/30th the latency
  • 7 dB improvement anti-interference for a more stable connection
  • Twice the coverage distance, and
  • 10 times more network connections

US won’t benefit from this tech due to the US Huawei ban.

  • ExFed
    01 year ago

    Ahh, yes, because they pissed off the Deep State, which is ultimately controlled by Hillary Clinton. Sorry, forgot about that one.

    /s … if it wasn’t obvious

    • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
      01 year ago

      Because they published war crimes committed your regime, but let’s just ignore that and make an idiotic straw man instead. 👏

      • ExFed
        21 year ago

        And your argument is cherry-picked. Which is worse?

          • ExFed
            1 year ago

            Right. Okay, I’ll do your homework for you…

            You’re claiming that a handful of people pointed out some things Western governments were doing that were illegal according to said governments’ legal governing documents, but because of the way they did it, those governments (and citizens) are pissed off at them.

            I’m saying the systematic oppression of the free press, human rights, and the decades-long genocide of Tibetans and Uyghurs are perfectly legal according to the PRC.

            These aren’t even comparable. Keep trying.

            • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
              -21 year ago

              Buddy, your country has an entire torture camp in Guantanamo on the land your regime annexed from Cuba where you disappear people in a middle of the night without any due process. Your country passed laws like the Patriot Act that allow the government to disappear citizens.

              Meanwhile, this is what China liberated Tibet from, and your Uyghur conspiracy theory has been thoroughly debunked many times.

              You’re right, these aren’t even remotely comparable. Keep trying.

              • ExFed
                11 year ago

                That history article you linked goes as far as the 1950s.

                Who’s debunked it? The CCP? Are they still sticking to the “reeducation centers” line? Have you been “reeducated”?

                There are some perverse arguments that let Gitmo exist. It’s a heated debate around whether the US Constitution extends to non-citizens. As usual, Wikipedia has a fantastic summary.

                … which is a debate that can occur in a diverse nation with a free press. Do you feel threatened because you’re arguing against Western Democracy on the Internet, a product of that same Western “regime”?

                Didn’t think so.

                  • ExFed
                    1 year ago

                    Not defending. Admitting that evil things have been done to 780 people while at Gitmo. It’s a problem, and we’re working to fix it.

                    But imagine being unable to admit there are millions of detainees in Xinjiang.

                    That’s the difference between Western Democracy and an an authoritarian ethnostate. There’s no way to fix something you won’t admit exists.