• Couldn’t we do collections within an app on a per-user basis?

    Like I could create a collection of different communities that I see as having some commonality, then it’s only a view for me.

    But I’m no dev, so take that into consideration.

    • @Goodie@lemmy.world
      10 months ago

      I might be a dev, but I’m dev enough to understand it’s actually about communication and understanding the problem and not writing code. Writing code is pretty easy by comparison.

      I think collections are a good and useful feature on their own merit, I’m not sure if they’ll solve the fragmented communities issue.

      If my problem is that a single article is being posted to 5 different photography community, and each with 2 comments, well, now I can see them together, but people are still not talking to each other. Social media platforms live and die by users talking to each other IMO.

      • Good points/explanation about the fragmentation breaking the communication.

        Hmm, not sure if we can take any active position toward “fixing”, since it’s really hard to predict the outcome of our actions. Perhaps this is something that will continue to mature as communities coalesce.

        I think I’d still like the ability to build my own in-app filters that aggregate communities. Like you’d do with a podcast app. Then at least (for an individual) you’d see all the posts that you consider related in a single feed/folder/view.

        It’s definitely not a simple problem.